I'm coming back to RT after a few years. I am trying to set up external auth against our AD server.

I have a working implementation for mediawiki, so I know that it's possible on our system. As far as possible I've duplicated the options from mediawiki/php to rt/perl, but I am still missing something important as all login attempts get rejected with a NoUser.

The only thing that I find different (and I'm searching my memory from a few years ago when I set up mediawiki) there is a line where the user name is pre-pended with the domain for AD:

$wgLDAPSearchStrings = array( 'HPM' => "HPM\\USER-NAME" );

And I can't find anything like that in the RT config.

Does anyone have a working AD external auth they can share?


Here's the logfile snippet:

[4835] [Tue Jul 7 15:17:14 2015] [debug]: Attempting to use external auth service: My_LDAP (/opt/rt4/local/plugins/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth.pm:424) [4835] [Tue Jul 7 15:17:14 2015] [debug]: Calling UserExists with $username (yans) and $service (My_LDAP) (/opt/rt4/local/plugins/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth.pm:465)
[4835] [Tue Jul  7 15:17:14 2015] [debug]: UserExists params:
username: yans , service: My_LDAP (/opt/rt4/local/plugins/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth/LDAP.pm:439) [4835] [Tue Jul 7 15:17:14 2015] [debug]: LDAP Search === Base: ou=Staff,dc=hpm,dc=net == Filter: (&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(sAMAccountName=yans)) == Attrs: cn,co,telephoneNumber,l,postalCode,streetAddress,st,sAMAccountName,mail (/opt/rt4/local/plugins/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth/LDAP.pm:469) [4835] [Tue Jul 7 15:17:14 2015] [debug]: User Check Failed :: ( My_LDAP ) yans User not found (/opt/rt4/local/plugins/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth/LDAP.pm:483) [4835] [Tue Jul 7 15:17:14 2015] [debug]: Autohandler called ExternalAuth. Response: (0, No User) (/opt/rt4/local/plugins/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/html/Elements/DoAuth:11) [4835] [Tue Jul 7 15:17:14 2015] [error]: FAILED LOGIN for yans from (/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm:810)

And here's the setup in RTSiteConfig.pm:

Set($ExternalAuthPriority,  [ 'My_LDAP' ]);
Set($ExternalInfoPriority,  [ 'My_LDAP' ]);
Set($ExternalSettings, {
     'My_LDAP'       =>  {
     'type'             =>  'ldap',
     'server'           =>  'file_print.hpm.net',
# By not passing 'user' and 'pass' we are using an anonymous
                # bind, which some servers to not allow
     'base'             =>  'dc=hpm,dc=net',
     'filter'           =>  '(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)',
                # Users are allowed to log in via email address or account
                # name
     'attr_match_list'  => [
#           'EmailAddress',
# Import the following properties of the user from LDAP upon
                # login
                'attr_map' => {
                    'Name'         => 'sAMAccountName',
                    'EmailAddress' => 'mail',
                    'RealName'     => 'cn',
                    'WorkPhone'    => 'telephoneNumber',
                    'Address1'     => 'streetAddress',
                    'City'         => 'l',
                    'State'        => 'st',
                    'Zip'          => 'postalCode',
                    'Country'      => 'co',
        } );

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