On 31 Aug 2015, at 9:39, Jeff Blaine wrote:

I'm reviving this one time in case anyone has further ideas.

* PostgreSQL 8.4.20 (RHEL 6.6) with FTS does the right
thing when parsing an email address[1]

I question that.

I know that with Pg 9.0 the FTS indexer does arguably "right" things in parsing email addresses, hostnames, and IP addresses BUT that behavior effectively hides the octets inside an IP, the host and domain name elements in a hostname, and the local and domain parts of an email address. For our business (customized hosting & related services) this made the indexing do more harm than good. We have adequate capacity (and suitable config) on our DB server to handle most of the searches we need to do in reasonable time without the indexing, so we disabled it.

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