Your perl isn't correct for the logic of the scrip.

(($self->TicketObj->QueueObj->Name || '') ne 'SafeSentryPro') ||
(($self->TicketObj->QueueObj->Name || '') ne


On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 6:04 PM, norman <> wrote:
> Hello.
>> In the last week we upgraded our rt instance from 4.0.19 to 4.2.8
>> Before the upgrade we had a script that would aupo-reply to all new
>> tickets created by email unless they went to 2 queues in which we would not
>> auto-reply at all.
>> Since the upgrade that script is sending out a message on all ticket
>> correspondence regardless of weather it's a create or not.
>> The condition is set to user defined and the code in custom condition is
>> as follows.
>> ($self->TransactionObj->Type || '') eq 'Create'
>> &&
>> ($self->TicketObj->Status || '') ne 'resolved'
>> &&
>> ($self->TicketObj->QueueObj->Name || '') ne 'SafeSentryPro' ||
>> 'Security-Appliance-Review-Logs'
>> What's wrong here or is it a different problem entirely?
>> Thanks.

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