On 26-2-2016 22:39, Lush, Aaron wrote:
> No w I am getting the following error when upgrading, after using the
> UPDATE command listed below. This only occurs when upgrading from
> 4.3.9 to 4.3.10. Any further advice would be much appreciated!
> /Processing 4.3.10/
> /Now populating database schema./
> /[19046] [Fri Feb 26 21:33:59 2016] [critical]: DBD::mysql::st execute
> failed: Table 'Assets' already exists at
> /tmp/rt-4.4.0/sbin/../lib/RT/Handle.pm line 552.
> (/tmp/rt-4.4.0/sbin/../lib/RT.pm:390)/
> /DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Table 'Assets' already exists at
> /tmp/rt-4.4.0/sbin/../lib/RT/Handle.pm line 552./
> /Makefile:391: recipe for target 'upgrade-database' failed/
That suggests that you have been using the Assets extension in 4.2.
I didn't get that error when upgrading from 4.0.23 to 4.4, besides that
, I'm  using postgres as a db backend but that shouldn't matter.


PS: its 23:20 for me so time to get some sleep :-)

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