
I upgraded my Debian system from Wheezy to Jessie, and as part of the RT4 was 
upgraded from 4.0.7 to 4.2.8.

I did the update of the database which worked without any errors, but when I 
log in I only see the SelfService.

So it seems I have lost my power! :-(

I have seen one post from a person that had a similar error, but that "resolved 
itself" after he logged in as root, which I can not do as I do not have any 
root user. I.e. I only know of the user of myself ("paf") that should have all 
rights possible.

I try to find out what in the database I must change to get this power back, 
but do not understand. Things looks good where I look.

What I found was this:


The closest information abut users in the database I can find here:


Here is btw information about "myself" and my system:

mysql> SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Name='root';
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select id,name from Users where name = "paf";
| id | name |
| 12 | paf  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT * FROM Principals WHERE id=12;
| id | PrincipalType | ObjectId | Disabled |
| 12 | User          |       12 |        0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT * from Groups, GroupMembers where GroupMembers.groupid =  
Groups.id and Groups.name = 'Privileged' and GroupMembers.memberid =  12;
| id | Name       | Description                  | Domain         | Type       
| Instance | Creator | Created | LastUpdatedBy | LastUpdated | id | GroupId | 
MemberId | Creator | Created | LastUpdatedBy | LastUpdated |
|  4 | Privileged | Pseudogroup for internal use | SystemInternal | Privileged 
|        0 |       0 | NULL    |             0 | NULL        |  7 |       4 |   
    12 |       0 | NULL    |             0 | NULL        |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


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* Washington DC - May 23 & 24, 2016

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