Hi Daniel,

On 2016年6月16日 at 13:30:18, Daniel M. via rt-users 
(rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com) wrote:

> [/opt/rt4/local/html/Ticket/Update.html:200]

This suggests that you’d customized RT’s code directly, so I bet you are 
running a 4.2-era (or older) /Ticket/Update.html file against RT 4.4. In other 
words, RT has made changes to that file as part of your upgrade to 4.4.0, but 
your local override is hiding those changes, so that’s why you’re seeing 
strange errors.

The way to proceed (in descending order of preference) would be to refactor 
your customizations to be callbacks, which is the recommended way to customize 
RT’s templates, or simply remove your local override if you don’t need it, or 
finally apply your customizations again to 4.4’s version of /Ticket/Update.html.

See https://docs.bestpractical.com/rt/latest/writing_extensions.html#Callbacks 
for more detail on the recommended approach.

RT 4.4 and RTIR Training Sessions https://bestpractical.com/training
* Los Angeles - September, 2016

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