Le 24/08/2016 à 01:35, Alex Hall a écrit :
> * In OST, agents (that is, staff who can take care of tickets and make 
> internal notes) must belong to one department only. We can use multiple 
> teams, but those are harder to deal with than departments.. In RT, can staff 
> belong to multiple departments, assuming RT has a similar setup?

users may be in multiple groups (teams). And may have rights and roles
(works) on multiple queues (team+workflow). So yes.

> * Can SLAs be set to ignore weekends and holidays? If a 72-hour SLA is 
> assigned on Friday, that should mean three business days, not that it has to 
> be done Monday.

yes, see

> * Can things be set so that staff are notified upon certain events firing? A 
> very overdue ticket in any department might go to one guy in management 
> automatically, for instance, so that he can keep tabs on all overdue items.

yes, using rt-crontool you can do automatic escalation. You can also use
saved searches with relative dates and dashboards subscriptions.

> * Can we use custom IMAP folders? I had to modify OSTicket to do this, but we 
> have just tick...@domain.com for our email address for the system. It's with 
> Gmail, so I have tickets+graph...@domain.com set to go to Graphics. I did 
> this by telling Graphics to check the 'graphics' folder in the tickets email 
> account. Each department has the same setup, with a custom folder. We did 
> this because each new email address costs money, and we saw no point in 
> paying hundreds per year for a feature I could add to OST. RT will have to be 
> able to do the same, though.

best use of RT is usually to directly send email to him using smtp, but
you can use fetchmail to get emails from pop/imap/...

> * In OST, replying to an email notification posts only an internal comment, 
> not a full ticket reply. OST says they do this so two agents don't reply with 
> conflicting information for the user. For our situation, though, we need 
> email replies to post ticket replies, so everyone on the ticket gets email 
> notifications. Essentially, part of what we want is to let users carry on 
> email conversations surrounding a ticket, but for those responses to be 
> posted to the ticket at the same time. This will keep activity archived, and 
> will automatically create ad-hoc email groups for everyone who needs to be 
> part of a given issue. Since we're not using this for customers, we don't 
> care who sees what in * In OST, when an agent creates a ticket, it *must* be 
> done on behalf of a user. Since most of our tickets are internal, this gets 
> very annoying, and results in us posting tickets to ourselves most of the 
> time. I'd much prefer it if tickets could be opened on behalf of agents or, 
> better still,
>   on beha
>  lf of no one at all. I just want a ticket to consist of the issue, the 
> creator, and everyone who needs to deal with it, plus an SLA.

in RT notification are fully customizables and there is usually to kind
of emails address per queue, one for comments, other for replies.

As you have a great view of what you wan't but litle knowledge of RT
which is higly configurable/customizable, I strongly suggest you to
contact Bestpractical or other RT specialist working near you to help
you so you'll do the rights choices between
queues/customfields/groups/roles for your org.

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