I don't have a specific example, but you can hide the Logout option with an

cp [RT path]/share/html/Elements/Tabs [RT path]/local/html/Elements

Now open the copy you just made, find the Logout option, and wrap it in a
conditional, or add to the conditions already present. You can check the
group membership of the current user, for instance. Once done, don't forget
to clear your Mason cache and restart RT:

find [RT path]/var/mason_data/obj -mindepth 1 -delete
/etc/init.d/[RT script name] restart

If you need more detailed instructions, let the list know.

On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 12:57 PM, Matthew Coons <coo...@umich.edu> wrote:

> Hello RT users,
> I wanted to know if anybody had a working example or was already hiding RT
> menu options from logged in users?
> The first item I want to hide is the "Logout" button for all users. We're
> using SSO so it's not required to be present.
> The second item I would like to hide (for a specific user group) is the
> RTIR menu option.
> Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated,
> Thank you!
> Matt Coons

Alex Hall
Automatic Distributors, IT department

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