Nobody with an idea on how we can make any progress with escalations?
Any input would be helpful, like working config snippets, rt-crontool
calls that works for someone, ...

Bye, Daniel

On 02/13/2017 03:04 PM, Daniel Rauer wrote:
> Hello everyone.
> Currently we are quite stuck on enabling ticket escalations based on
> SLA. The problem is that none of the escalation we tried seems to work:
> either the crontool throws errors or does basically nothing.
> What we did so far:
> - Upgrade to 4.4.1 and made sure all database migrations pass
> - Defined a basic ServiceAgreements section (code found later in this email)
> - Used an existing, working queue to enable "SLA Enabled"
> - Set the default value for "Final Priority" of this queue to "99"
> - Set the default value for "Priority" of this queue to "0"
> - Created some test tickets (via web and via email) in this queue.
> "Starts" and "Due" are correctly set according to the defined
> ServiceAgreements.
> The queue we currently use for our tests is called "Test-Queue", and
> there is currently one ticket in it having "Starts" and "Due" set, the
> ID is #78735.
> I would appreciate if anyone has ideas on what is wrong with our setup,
> or could provide a working configuration!
> Here are our ServiceAgreements (just for testing so far) and some of the
> rt-crontool calls and their returns we tried so far:
> Set( %ServiceAgreements, (
>     Default => 'standard',
>     Levels => {
>         'standard' => {
>             Starts => { RealMinutes => 0 },
>             Resolve => { RealMinutes => 10 },
>         },
>         'urgent' => {
>             Starts => { RealMinutes => 0 },
>             Resolve => { RealMinutes => 5 },
>         },
>     },
> ));
> # bin/rt-crontool --search RT::Search::ActiveTicketsInQueue --search-arg
> "Test-Queue" -action RT::Action::EscalatePriority --verbose --log info
> 78735:
>       Processing without transaction, some conditions and actions may fail.
> Consider using --transaction argument
> # bin/rt-crontool --search RT::Search::FromSQL --search-arg
> "(Status='new' OR Status='open') AND FinalPriority > 0 AND Due > 'Jan 1,
> 1970'" --action RT::Action::EscalatePriority --action-arg
> "RecordTransaction: 1, UpdateLastUpdated: 1" --verbose --log info
> [11753] [Mon Feb 13 13:48:02 2017] [notice]: Passed a unix time less
> than 0, forcing to 0: [-3600] (/opt/rt4/bin/../lib/RT/
> 78735:
>       Processing without transaction, some conditions and actions may fail.
> Consider using --transaction argument
> # bin/rt-crontool --search RT::Search::FromSQL --search-arg
> "(Status='new' OR Status='open' OR Status = 'stalled')" --action
> RT::Action::LinearEscalate --action-arg "RecordTransaction: 1"
> [11875] [Mon Feb 13 13:53:02 2017] [notice]: Passed a unix time less
> than 0, forcing to 0: [-1] (/opt/rt4/bin/../lib/RT/
> # bin/rt-crontool --search RT::Search::ActiveTicketsInQueue --search-arg
> \"Test-Queue\" -action RT::Action::LinearEscalate
> [11893] [Mon Feb 13 13:55:47 2017] [warning]: Use of uninitialized value
> $args{"VALUE"} in join or string at /opt/rt4/bin/../lib/RT/
> line 1536. (/opt/rt4/bin/../lib/RT/
> [11893] [Mon Feb 13 13:55:47 2017] [warning]: Use of uninitialized value
> $value in substitution (s///) at /opt/rt4/bin/../lib/RT/ line
> 2805. (/opt/rt4/bin/../lib/RT/
> (this one is really strange, as this ticket #11893 was resolved 5 years
> ago and in another queue, it should not get found by ActiveTicketsInQueue)
> # bin/rt-crontool --search RT::Search::FromSQL --search-arg 'Status =
> "open" or Status = "new"' --action RT::Action::LinearEscalate
> --action-arg "UpdateLastUpdated: 0" --verbose --log info
> 78735:
>       Processing without transaction, some conditions and actions may fail.
> Consider using --transaction argument
>       Action prepared...
>       Action committed.
> # bin/rt-crontool --search RT::Search::ActiveTicketsInQueue
> --search-arg Test-Queue --action RT::Action::EscalatePriority --verbose
> 78735:
>       Processing without transaction, some conditions and actions may fail.
> Consider using --transaction argument
> # bin/rt-crontool --search RT::Search::ActiveTicketsInQueue
> --search-arg Test-Queue --condition RT::Condition::Overdue --action
> RT::Action::SetPriority --action-arg 99 --verbose
> 78735:
>       Processing without transaction, some conditions and actions may fail.
> Consider using --transaction argument
> Kind regards,
> Daniel Rauer

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