$55/hr C2C

DevOps with Machine Learning, New York

Must Have:

   1. Experience with Github CI/CD for both Software and Machine Learning
   2. Experience with Jenkins and other CI/CD tools
   3. Experience with Terraform to interact with Onprem / AWS services
   4. Experience with AWS CLI and Service Templates
   5. Experience with Software Defined Infrastructure, Networking etc.
   6. Experience with Docker / Kubernetes
   7. Experience with Data Engineering with Python / Java
   8. Experience with Managing / architecting CI/CD systems for Onprem and
   Cloud Infrastructure
   9. Experience with Site Reliability tools like Prometheus, Grafana, ELK,
   Telegraf, LogStash etc.
   10. Experience with Workflow tools like Airflow, Argo or equivalent etc.
   11. Experience with Machine Learning Production pipeline setup using
   MLFlow, KubeFlow or equivalent  etc.
   12. Experience in System Setup for Linux / Bash / Hadoop
   13. Experience with AWS services such as Lambda, step functions,
   pipeline, containers, Kubernetes etc.

   *Thanks & Regards*

   *Ankit Mendiratta | Senior Technical Recuiter** - * *Recruitment*

   *D *732-733-2115 | C 518 336 7878 | F 606.656.1391 <(606)+656-1391> |
   200 Centennial Ave, Suite 204, Piscataway, NJ 08854

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