These two points are the keys to this thread.  It is a matter of
priorities in a changing world.  Aircraft carriers and 100 megaton
hydrogen bombs do little to dissuade a small band of terrorists from
doing their dastardly deeds.  

If they had to spend some time wondering if their organization had been
infiltrated by US intelligence (even if it hasn't), it would at least
cause them problems.  

Some on-target intelligence *could* give us some advance warning next
time.  < knock on wood >

On a slightly different note that applies back to Jeff's original post:
The US Army helicopter design/maintenance groups are in Huntsville.  For
the past three years I have been hearing that they didn't have enough
spare parts to even use the choppers for training.  It would have been
nice if Clinton had taken the savings from streamlining the military and
used them to buy some spare parts to keep what we already have in

A grounded Apache is only useful as a paper weight.

bill evans
Hartselle, AL

On Mon, 29 Oct 2001 18:23:40 -0500 "Phillip L. Harbison" > 
> > We could have had 20 times the armed services we have and
> > it wouldn't have prevented Sept. 11th. 
> True, but adequate emphasis on human intelligence might have
> prevented it.
> -- 
> Phil Harbison
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