On Mon, 29 Oct 2001 21:52:59 -0500 "Phillip L. Harbison"
> William H Evans wrote:
> > Aircraft carriers and 100 megaton hydrogen bombs do little
> > to dissuade a small band of terrorists from doing their
> > dastardly deeds.
> I agree on the H-bombs but not the carriers.  A carrier group
> allows us to park what amounts to a floating airbase off the
> coast of any hot spot.  Most of the sorties in the current
> war have been flown from carriers.  I believe the exceptions
> are some B-2 sorties which originated in the US.  Carriers are
> a critical part of the Reach component of my four R's.

Agreed that carriers are much more useful than the planet-busters but
having two carrier task forces already in the Indian Ocean did very
little to prevent bin Laden from planning and executing his Sept. 11

It goes without saying now that we are flying attack sorties over
Afghanistan that they are worth every penny of the $2 billion they cost
to build and whatever it costs to maintain them.

BTW Phil - that $2 billion is a guess.  No Albrin math comments please.

bill evans
Hartselle, AL
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