Thats my final Answer wrote:
> I'll say it again . We want any more big football
> games this year  unless Zow plays .  ROLL TIDE  Go Zow

Did you see the UTEP game?  Zow's performance was miserable
against a defense that was far below SEC calibre.  On one
play he was run down from behind a defensive end.  I don't
remember that happening since the Freddie Kitchen days (at
least Kitchens has the excuse of being a big slow white guy).
I love Zow and appreciate his heart and leadership, but he
isn't the right man for the job.  I don't mind turning the
ball over to him for the 2 minute drill, but I think we
would be better off teaching Watts to do a better job of
clock management.  You can teach clock management, but all
of the coaching in the world isn't going to make Zow faster.

Phil Harbison
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