
I think your 11-0 expectations were extremely optimistic.

bill evans
Hartselle, AL

On Fri, 30 Nov 2001 21:53:57 -0600 "Hugh Wolfgang"
> I am probably going to get slaughtered for this, but....
> At the beginning of the season, I believed we could go 11-0. 
> 11 games into the season, I still believe we could have gone 11-0.
> If the team had played with the same intensity and desire in 
> September that it played with in November, Alabama would not be 
> sitting around waiting for the Music City Bowl officials to call - 
> the Tide would be preparing for Florida.  
> Having said that, am I surprised that the team went 6-5?  A little, 
> yes.  Disappointed?  Yes.  Devastated?  Nope.  Boston College will 
> be a tough test for this team, though.  A loss could be the 
> beginning of a long off-season.  A win, though, would give Bama - 
> no, would CONTINUE - a lot of momentum heading into a VERY tough 
> schedule in 2002.  
> Let's not get caught up in celebrating a win over USM for too long.  
> We NEED to WIN the Music City Bowl this time around.
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