Was going through some old files and ran across this goody. Enjoy!


 "A Winning Formula"

1. Always be totally loyal to the institution for which you work.  If you
don’t have the best interest of the organization at heart or if you can't be
loyal, you are in the wrong place.

2. Always be totally loyal to your staff.  If you are, then they'll be loyal
back. Remember, loyalty and honesty are two-way streets. If you are ever
dishonest to a member of your staff, you'll never regain their respect.

3. Don't worry about winning personality contests with your staff.  You'd
better worry about being respected.  Anybody can be liked, a heck of a lot
fewer respected.

4. Be aware of "yes" men.  Generally, they are losers.  Surround yourself
with winners.  Never forget people win.  Get people who work for your
organization because it means something to them.  Most organizations get
people who are interested in drawing their paycheck for their 40-hour week.
Don't forget, those folks usually don't work but about 10 hours out of the
40 they are paid for.  To be the best - if you want to be the best – get
people who care about your institution, people who are proud to be
associated with your organization.  Get winning people.

5. Work hard.  There is no substitute for hard work.  None.  If you work
hard, the folks around you are going to work harder.  If you drag into work
late, what kind of impression is that going to leave on your fellow workers?
If you leave early, what kind of impression is that going to leave?

6. Don't tolerate lazy people.  They are losers.  People who come to work
and watch clocks and pass off responsibilities will only drag you and your
organization down.  I despise clock-watchers.  They don't want to be a part
of a winning situation.  They won't roll up their sleeves when you need them
to.  If you have lazy people, get rid of them.  Remember, it is easy to
develop the bad habits of lazy people.

7. Have a plan, not only for the day, but also for the week and the month
and 10 years from now.  Anticipate.  Plan.  Anticipate every situation that
could arise.  Plan for every situation that could arise.  Don't think
second-by-second on what needs to be done.  Have a plan.  Follow the plan,
and you'll be surprised how successful you can be.  Most people don't plan.
That's why it is easy to beat most folks.

8. Set goals, high goals for you and your organization.  When your
organization has a goal to shoot for, you create teamwork, people working
for a common good.  Teamwork is imperative.  Don't forget that people who
are in it for their own good are individualists.  They don't share the same
heartbeat that makes a team so great.  A great unit, whether it is football
or any organization, shares the same heartbeat.

9. Learn from others.  Ask questions.  Be a good listener.  Get a pulse beat
of what is going on around you.

10. Last.  Never quit.  It is the easiest copout in the world.  Set a goal
and don't quit until you attain it.  When you do attain it, set another goal
and don't quit until you reach it.  Never quit.

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