Price to sue SI for $20 million

Associated Press

Fired Alabama football coach Mike Price will file a $20 million lawsuit against Time 
Inc. on Friday, claiming he was defamed in a May 12 Sports Illustrated article, 
Price's attorney told The Birmingham News.
ATTORNEY STEPHEN HENINGER told the newspaper Thursday night that he would file the 
suit in Jefferson County Circuit Court on Friday.

The lawsuit asks for $10 million in compensatory damages and $10 million in punitive 
damages related to the article, titled "Bad Behavior, How He Met His Destiny at a 
Strip Club," Heninger said.

Also named as a defendant is Sports Illustrated writer Don Yaeger. The lawsuit alleges 
Yaeger defamed Price in the article and before the article's official release on a 
radio show.

The newspaper was unable to reach Time officials and Yaeger for comment Thursday 
night. Heninger said he sent Sports Illustrated a letter demanding a retraction but 
the magazine refused.

Alabama President Robert Witt fired Price on May 3, before the article was published. 
The article said among other things that Price had sex with two women in a hotel room 
while in Pensacola, Fla., for a pro-am golf tournament.

The lawsuit names seven portions of the article that Price says are untrue. Among 
those are that Price went to the strip club immediately upon arriving in Pensacola; 
that he touched a dancer while in a semi-private area of the club; that he fondled a 
waitress at the club; and that he had sex with two women in his hotel room.

The lawsuit also said it was untrue that a woman left Price's hotel room the next 
morning, before Price went to the golf tournament; that he bought drinks for female 
students in a Tuscaloosa bar and propositioned them; and that Alabama athletic 
director Mal Moore chastised him twice for "generally serving as the life of the party 
in too many bars." [...]


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