Amen! Amen! Amen!  THAT is WHAT I'm talkin about.

Time was when that sentiment wasn't so damn rare. Nowadays..sleeping with the enemy is
a national past-time.  Ohhh, we got to suck up to cow college cause we're bad and the
Fran-hole f*#%ked us last year, sold us down the river....he hated us so damn bad he
gave the annual fight with the barners to them on a silver platter. What about that
game do you people not understand??????  What about the comments Brodie Croyle made
after Fran left do YOU people not understand?????  Naw, lets just collectively kiss
their leather amd manure asses. Awww, see-cuse me while I go THROW UP!!!!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jeff Todd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2003 9:50 PM
Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] Pissing Contest

> One of these days y'all will learn to hate those worthless
> sons-of-bitches as much as ScR and mySlef. ;-)
> You will know you hate them enough when you honestly
> hope they get the hell beat out of them EVERY TIME they take
> the field!
> You will know you hate them enough when you honestly
> hope they get the hell beat out of them IN PRACTICE!
> You will know you hate them enough when you honestly
> hope they get the hell beat out of them even if they are playing
> You will know you hate them enough when you honestly
> hope they get the hell beat out of them even if they are playing
> You will know you hate them enough when you honestly
> hope their shit-eatin, mite infested chicken buzzard crashes
> to the ground and dies a violent death on national television!
> Feel free to add to this list.
> Roll Tide, DAMMITT!
> PS
> Almost forgot...
> ;-)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Rick.McMahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "RollTideFan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2003 9:41 PM
> Subject: [RollTideFan] Pissing Contest
> > Why must we as fans always get into these pissing contests with other
> fans?
> > PSU says it was Bama that backed out, Bama says it was PSU that backed
> out,
> > AU wants to stick in the knife every chance it gets and they can just go
> to
> > hell (those idiots really have me pissed off these days). But my point is
> > this, we as fans have no control over what the administrators say or do
> and
> > why we choose to get in these flame wars with other fans is just plain
> > crazy, IMO. All it does is raise out collective blood pressure.
> >
> > Roll Tide, NMW!!!
> > Rick
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