----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jeff Todd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Which would mean you are wrong. And that's about as
> close as you've come to admitting possibly being wrong.
> We seem to be making progress, though.

You are right, except there is no admission of being wrong about the removal of the
Ten Commandments monument

> I wouldn't know a thing about that. Just have to take
> your word, I guess.

You have taken Moore for less!

> You could have saved yourslef a few keystrokes by just
> typing *I WAS NOT THINKING*, and left it at that.

Could have, butt that wasn't the point.

> If you are stupid enough to believe that a monument to
> the Ten Commandments is an attempt to force one's
> religious beliefs on others, then you are stupid enough
> to believe the words - In God We Trust - printed on US
> Currency is also an attempt at the same. Here's betting
> that you've never burned any of your hard earned money
> in protest. Which proves one-of-two things: a) You're
> not really stupid, but you play like it on the
> Internet, or b) You blindly follow the lead of the
> other ACLU idiots because it's the popular thing to do
> and doesn't reaquire you to think for yourslef.

Well, you are stoopid enough to believe that he is some Holy Man of God, then I can be
stupid enough to believe that he intends this as a manner of enforcing, converting &
"making things right with this country", eg. you are either a Christian wrapping
yourself around these commandments or you are a heathern to be burned.  I have heard
the man rant/speak on the subject. He misquotes history, avoids the writings of our
founding fathers and uses his religion to establish himself above others. This is all
before we get into the mockery he is making of his own institution. How can a judge
who does not respect the system by his own actions, expect others to respect it? Only
if he believes himself to be above the law....which ain't a good thing for a judge.

> What leads you to believe that I am even a religious
> person? Have you ever asked me about my religious
> beliefs, or do you just assume that I am religious
> because I like Roy Moore?

You have no problem with establishing one religion over others.....duh.

> No, not in the least. Why do you assume that I am
> afraid of anything? Is it because that's just the
> popular thing to say when you really don't know what
> the hell you're talking about?

Didn't know it was the popular thing to say. I calls'em the way I see's'em. People
take extreme/lashing out positions when they are afraid. eg. homophobics.  I am pretty
sure you follow the drift.

> That's the FIRST damn thing you've been right about!

You say that only because you don't know me.

> REALLY? Thanks for pointing out that FACT for me.

Glad to help. Just trying to sweep the dust from homey plate.

> No. Why do you ask?

Because you seem so enamoured with him. He fits into a profile that has been
established for many years..the kind that Thomas Jefferson warned us about.

> OK



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