Oh, trust me, I don't feel sorry for them one bit.  Which reminds me - we
were in Bidgood eating supper and watching the Tech game before heading over
to BDS and there was this chick there; she was obviously a barner and she
was pissed b/c everyone was cheering for Tech.  However, she seemed to
single me out of about 100 people and was giving me the evil eye.  Stewart
said, 'did you do something to that girl b/c she is shooting darts at you?'
I told him no but the bitch needed to remember where she was - UA not
auboville.  I guess I just bring out the meanness in the barners b/c I was
screaming no louder than anyone else.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Todd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List"
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] barners in my office.....

> Y'all just keep right on feeling sorry for those candy-ass cry babies.
They'll be the FIRST DAMN ONES to give
> you grief when BAMA has a poor outing. Tell them to kiss your ass and cry
you a handful! Then laugh at them!
> I'm old enough to remember when arbrin fans were scarce as dinosaurs. They
acted the same way back in the 70's
> and early 80's. Then when Coach died those same sweet, loveable barners
where painting their got damn trailers
> orange and blue and putting 'We Killed The Bear' bumper stickers on their
station wagons! FRUCK THEM ALL - ALL
> THE TIME! I wouldn't feel sorry for those worthless bastards under ANY set
of circumstances. EVER!
> Roll Tide!!
> Slef E.

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