** A baseball will travel farther in hot temperature than in 
   cold temperature. 

** Chewing gum has rubber as an ingredient.

** In England, a cigarette is referred to as a fag. 

** In Belgium, 172,000 tons of chocolate are produced in a year. 

** The word housekeeping was invented by Shakespeare. 

** A ripe cranberry will bounce.  Another name for a cranberry 
   is bounceberry. 

** Ralph Lauren's real name is Ralph Lifshitz.

** The word Spain means "the land of rabbits."

** Mosquitoes are attracted to the color blue more than any 
   other color.

** Two-thirds of Canadians live in Quebec and Ontario.

** A lion's roar is so loud that it can be heard 8 kilometers 

** Better wine can be produced by the soil being of poor 
   quality.  This is because the vines have to "work" harder. 

** Some African tribes refer to themselves as "motherhoods" 
   instead of families. 

** Another name for licorice is "Sweet Wood" or "Spanish Juice."

** In a year, Americans eat approximately 20 billion pickles. 

** In the 18th century, potatoes were given out as a dessert.  
   They were served in a napkin, salted and hot.   

** There are an equivalent number of cows and people in 
   Friesland, Netherlands.  

** The University of Plymouth was the first university to offer 
   a degree in surfing. 

** Devon, England has about 33,000 miles of hedgerows, more 
   hedgerows than any other country. 
** Approximately 40% of the states in the U.S. have severe, or 
   extreme pollution problems. 
** It would take about fourteen and half million notes of 
   currency to build a mile high stack.

** The third biggest party day after New Year's and Super 
   Bowl Sunday is Halloween.

** The fear of Halloween is called Samhainophobia.

** Witchcraft means "Craft of the Wise Ones."

** More twins are born in the Western world than in the Eastern

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