Ijaz said a warlord who controls Afghanistan's western provinces, Gulbuddin Hektmayer, 
is working with al-Qaida on a plan to
bring a large army of Iranian Revolutionary Guard troops into Afghanistan during the 
winter months to attack U.S. interests
and to try to take control of the entire country. 

"Iran does not want to see us succeed in building a democracy in Afghanistan under any 
circumstances," he said. 

In short, according to Ijaz, Iranian technology is now being used to help the Afghan 
warlords to take over the country from
Hamid Karzai," the Afghan president. 


Serious stuff here. No shit. 

What if Iran actually does invade the US and Afghan troops in Afghanistan? We will 
have no choice but to repel them then
invade Iran to clean it out. 

The world still has to get more dangerous before it gets safer for our kids & 
grandkids. 9/11/2001 was not the beginning of
all this. It began many years earlier even before 11 Israelis were killed at the 1973 
Olympic games. It went large-scale when
Iraq took US hostages. There were many air problems & disasters due to terrorism in 
the 80's and early 90's. During the
majority of the 90's we had our heads in the sand about terrorism. 9/11/2001 brought 
it home to us. That day was not the
beginning of our war. It was the beginning of the end of our war. We must take the 
fight to every one of the bastards and
kill them. 

Evil exists, people. We must fight to win.

I take no credit nor criticism for the below list. I provide it for reference. 

A history of recent terrorism:

1968: July 23rd - Three members of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine 
hijack an El Al plane to Rome

November 22nd - Twelve people were killed at a bombing in the market in Jerusalem

February 18th An El Al aircraft in Zurich Switzerland was attacked, the copilot was 

February 21st were killed and eight injured in a bomb blast in Jerusalem

August 29th A TWA 707 was hijacked by Palestinian terrorist to Damascus

September 29th - A TWA plane flying from Rome to Lodi Italy was hijacked to Damascus

November 27th- The El Al office in Athens was attacked. Innocent bystanders were 


February 10th. A bus carrying passengers to an a plane is attacked by Palestinian 
terrorist at the Munich airport

February 21st- A Swissair plane on a flight to Israel is blown up in mid air by 
Palestinian terrorists.

April 21st- A bomb explodes aboard a Philippines airliners. All 36 aboard are killed

May 22nd Eight Israeli schoolchildren are killed by Arab terrorist.

September 6th- An attempt is made to hijack four planes. The attempt to hijack an El 
Al plane fails, while three other
succeed. The planes all end up in the Jordanian desert.


January 26th A bomb explodes on a Yugoslav plane killing all but one passenger

May 30th- 24 people are killed at Lod airport by Japanese terrorist recruited by 

July 21st twenty two bombs go off in downtown Belfas killing 11 people

September 5th - Eleven members of the Israeli Olympic team are killed by Black 
September an arm of the PLO led by Yasir
Arafat at the Olympic games in Munich

1973-February 23rd- Israel shoots down a Libyan plane over the Sinai desert fearing it 
was a flying bomb

March 8th- Two IRA bombs explode in London killing one person and injuring 200

1973- August 5th Five people are killed when a Libyan terrorist group attacks a TWA 

1974- September 8th Libyan terrorist plant a bomb on board a TWA plane flying from 
Athens to Rome, all 85 passengers are

November 21st The IRA explodes a series of bombs in Birmingham England- 21 people are 

1975- September 30th A Hungarian airplane explodes killing all 64 persons on board

1976- January 1st-Eighty-two people are killed aboard a Lebanese plane

June 24th- An Air France plane is hijacked to Uganda. Israeli later stages a daring 
rescue mission to free the hostages.

1978 -March 12th Thirty seven Israelis are killed on a bus by Palestinian terrorists.

1981- April 19th -Thirteen people were killed and 177 injured in a terrorist attack in 
Davao Philippines.

1982- August 6th- A kosher restaurant is attacked in Paris killing eight.

1983- April 18th Eighty-three people are killed at the US Embassy in Beirut.

September 29th- A Gulf Air plane explodes killing all 166 people aboard.
October 29th- 241 US Marines are killed in a truck bombing in Beirut by the Islamic 
Jihad ( controlled by Syria)

1984-September 20th- The US embassy in the Beirut is bombed- 15 are killed

1985 June 23rd 345 people are killed when Sikh terrorist explode a bomb aboard an Air 
India 747 

October 7th- The Cruise ship the Achillo Laura was hijacked by Palestinian terrorists

1986- September 5th A Pan Am aircraft is hijacked by Palestinian terrorists. Twenty 
passengers are killed.

1988- Pan Am flight 103 is blown up over Lockerbie Scotland. All 259 passengers and 
crew are killed.

The Israeli embassy in Buenes Aires is bombed and 14 die

1993- February 26th- A bomb explodes in the basement of the World Trade Center in New 
York- Six die 1,000 are injured.

July 27th- Five are killed in a car bombing in Milan Italy

1995- March 20th 12 people are killed when nerve gas is released in a Tokyo subway.

April 19th- The Murrah Federal office building is destroyed by a bomb in Oklahoma City 
Oklahoma killing 168.

1998- August 7th - The US embassies in Nairobi Kenya and Dar es Salamm Tanzania are 


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