Ga. coach's class deemed too easy

The Associated Press
3/4/2004, 9:03 a.m. CT

ATHENS, Ga. (AP) -- Talk about a slam dunk.

Most college students dream of getting a final exam with questions such as: How many 
points is a 3-pointer worth?

That was among the questions on basic basketball knowledge on the final exam — and 
only test — in Georgia assistant basketball coach Jim Harrick Jr.'s Coaching 
Principles and Strategies of Basketball class in 2001.

The 20-question test and transcripts of interviews with some of the students in 
Harrick's class were among 1,500 pages of documents released Wednesday by the 
university in its response to the NCAA about rules violations in the basketball 

The university agreed with the NCAA's findings, which included violations of academic 
fraud and improper benefits.

Harrick's father, Jim Sr., was suspended, then resigned as coach. The younger Harrick 
lost his job as an assistant, and the school kept the team out of the Southeastern 
Conference and NCAA tournaments.

The NCAA concluded Harrick Jr. "fraudulently awarded grades of A to three men's 
basketball student-athletes" enrolled in the course he taught in 2001, allowing them 
to miss class and tests. Harrick Jr. also allegedly provided an extra benefit to 
student athletes by the manner in which he conducted the course, the NCAA found.

An attorney for the Harricks said Wednesday that Harrick Jr. would not comment. A 
federal lawsuit filed last week accuses university officials and others of defamation.

The names of Harrick's students who were interviewed were blacked out in the papers.

All the students in the class were given an A grade, according to the documents.

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