When the cheering stopped

Times Staff Writer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Kenneth Smith reflects on ex-football star son, Vols-Tide bitterness

SOUTH PITTSBURG, Tenn. - In the den of his concrete-block house on a hill, serenaded 
by the Jack Russell terrier yapping in the kitchen, Kenneth Smith slides the highlight 
tape into his videocassette recorder.

The tape is a collection of 10-year-old clips made in high school football stadiums in 
North Alabama and southern Middle Tennessee. The star is a 6-foot-7 kid wearing a 
black-and-white uniform and a flattop haircut.

On these fields, Kenneth Smith's eldest child and only son, Kenny, became one of the 
most coveted football recruits ever in Alabama's Jackson County. At his peak, Kenny 
Smith weighed 285 pounds and ran fast enough to chase down running backs half his size.

He was a free spirit who devoted much of his high school summers to eating Big Bubba 
burgers at the Dairy Bar and jumping off the Stevenson Bridge, a 55-foot drop into the 
Tennessee River. In his more serious moments, he dreamed of playing tight end or 
defensive end in the National Football League.

His father's highlight tape and a scrapbook are all that's left of Kenny Smith's 
stardom at North Jackson High in Stevenson. His football career essentially ended at 
the University of Tennessee, one of two major colleges he signed with after high 

In September 1998, weeks before his 22nd birthday, Kenny Smith quit the Tennessee 
football team. With a bad shoulder and a bad taste for Southeastern Conference 
football, he returned to his family's home on Hamilton Avenue in South Pittsburg.

He considered playing at the University of Tennessee in Chattanooga, but enrolled at 
Delta State University in Mississippi, a member of the NCAA's Division II. After two 
semesters there, he left without ever putting on a uniform again.

But Kenny Smith's playing career was resurrected during the NCAA's recent 
investigation of the University of Alabama football program. Alabama's recruitment of 
Smith and at least two other prospects led to five years of probation and two years of 
sanctions, including bowl bans and scholarship reductions.  [...]

long article. Click on link.


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