Some notable members of the UA BOT are hopping mad right now... 
The more that comes out of Memphis...the more it smacks of a NCAAzi railroad job. If 
the LY case is thrown out ( I'm hearing it will be less than a month)....and the 
Phaatz / Culpepper tape has truly vanished ( the Culpepper tape was considered as 
corroborating evidence)... The NCAA case on major infractions will then be completedly 
without merit.

In that event, pressure will be placed on Dr. Witt to demand reparations from the 
NCAAzi's (and SEC)... otherwise all Hell will break loose (aka Robert Cunningham's 
return to Indianapolis , Congressional hearing).

A proposed settlement would be ending the probation period on time served, immediate 
return to 85 grants by compensation of 12 additional scholarships (maybe 6 additional 
JC's over each of next 2 years) and immediate release of all bowl and TV revenue 
sharing from the SEC(currently withheld for 2 more years). They do this and UA agrees 
not to pursue other legal remedies for loss of revenue ($50 Mil).

My source hasn't been wrong yet....I don't think he will be this time either.


This post was edited on 3/6 2:38 AM

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