You must be joking...right?


-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Boozer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: May 15, 2004 11:08 AM
        RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List <[EMAIL 
Subject: RE: [RollTideFan] The faces of war

>This is the list (most with a picture of the person and how they
>died) of casualties in Iraq to date.  We should all say a prayer
>for them and their loved ones as we read each and every entry.

Saddam Hussein used to pay $25,000 (U.S. greenbacks, no less) to the family
of each suicide bomber in Israel as an enticement for others to volunteer
for martyrdom in the name of the Palestinian people. Does CNN provide us
with a list of Israelis killed by those suicide bombers?

Does CNN also provide us a similar list of all the people killed on 9/11?
How about all the Iraqi's killed by Saddam Hussein? I'm sure the Hussein
government was sensitive enough to keep information of the 200,000 people
killed internally and I'm sure they kept detailed records of the crimes
these people committed to warrant their death. Oh, how about a list of all
the Kuwaiti's killed in Saddam's invasion of Kuwait in 1991? Oh my, let's
not forget the approximate 1,000,000 Iraqi's and Iranians killed in
Hussein's war with his neighbor. What about the Iraqi women (12 years old
and up) raped by Saddam, his kids and his henchmen? Where is their list?

Does CNN provide such a detailed list of all the resolutions passed by the
UN regarding Iraq and exactly how he broke each of these resolutions? Does
CNN provide us with a list of all the threats made against Saddam by Clinton
but never acted upon?

Is there a list of the Americans who have died in Afghanistan, or is that
theater of the war on terror not controversial enough? Does CNN provide us a
list of not only Americans killed on 9/11, but in all Al-Qaida attacks on
the US. What about Al-Qaida attacks on other countries? CNN is an
international company. What about all the citizens of other countries killed
by terrorist, including Saddam Hussein? Where is their list?

Should I go on and on and on and on and on?

My point is not that your post is not pertinent or that CNN's list is not
newsworthy. These people are all heroic American's who have given their life
to remove threats against our country. They deserve all the accolades and
attention that they receive and more. And CNN may well provide some of the
other details that I mentioned. But, it is wrong to focus on those that have
made the ultimate sacrifice without also noting the evil that made that
sacrifice necessary.

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