Mikey, you should use the Centerpoint Courthouse.  You
are welcome.


--- M Laborde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Had to bust my ass this AM at work to get through as
> quickly as I could. I had
> to go to the downtown courthouse and get my truck
> registered, etc... It was the
> last day I could do it all without penalty. I've
> been to the courthouse 2x
> already this month but ran into 4 hour lines and
> very foul county workers.
> I got to the courthouse at about 12:15 today and
> parked on the west side of Linn
> Park. I had to walk to the AmSouth building to get
> some cash to pay for my
> registration. On the way we (a girl who works for me
> and me) passed the north
> side of Linn Park where Mayfield ice cream had 2
> tents up and was giving away
> free ice cream. COOL! Got a little ice cream and
> headed to get cash.
> We walked back up to the south entrance to Linn Park
> to cut through to the
> courthouse. There was a tv camera there and an
> assload of people in line for
> something other than ice cream. I stopped and looked
> and saw Coach Shula about 3
> feet from me. I about shit. I had no idea he was was
> going to be there signing autographs.
> Now, the decision. Be a responsible adult and get my
> truck registered and all
> that shit done and get home in time to take my
> daughter to the airport or go to
> my truck, grab my football and Sharpie (which I keep
> in my truck for just such
> an occasion) and get an autograph. If I go to the
> courthouse first I risk the
> chance of missing the autograph session. If I get
> the autograph I will probably
> not have time to get my shit done at the courthouse
> (they are so speedy there)
> and get to the airport in time to see my daughter
> off.
> I decided that I am a damn adult today. I took the
> responsible route. I got my
> shit done. I missed a VERY rare opportunity to get
> Coach Shula to sign my ball
> (stop snickering Krut). I made the right choice but
> that leads me back to the
> subject of my e-mail: JUST DAMN!!!
> Oh well. Maybe I'll have that opportunity in another
> 10 years or so.
> Javvy
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.lazy.assholes.work.at.the.courthouse.org
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