Update: BamaJenny is still hanging in there. Bay County (Panama City/
Panama City Beach) is very battered and bruised, but still kicking.
Beach has a lot of erosion, and we had some severe tornados when the
feeder bands first started to come on shore - starting about 4:00/4:30
Wednesday afternoon, going until close to midnight. Because of the
tornados, Ivan's first fatality in the US was in Bay County. Actually
the first two fatalities.

Personally, house, husband, dogs, me, are all okay. We did have some
tree limbs in the yard, but nothing that fell on the house. Lost power
from about 11:45 PM Wednesday night until about 6:00 Thursday
afternoon. When we got cable back (about 9:00 last night) that was
everything at the house. Still have no phones at work, but I do have
internet (go figure). And since I have my cable, I have my ESPN
GamePlan, which is showing that they will have Bama on Saturday.

Technically, I think the eye went ashore in Gulf Shores. But Ivan
pounded the gulf coast from Panama City, past Mobile, into Mississippi.
It will be quite a while before Bay County is back to normal, but not
nearly as long as it will be for Pensacola/Gulf Shores. They were just
devastated. Basically, you can't get to Pensacola. I10 and Hwy 98 are
both closed, and it will be weeks (for Hwy 98) to months (I10) before
they are open again. There is severe flooding and massive damage.

We can only thank God that there were not a lot more people killed.


----- Original Message ----- 
> Either way, BamaJanny better be lettin' us know what the hail's goin' on
down there!
> kurt

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