David, I will send just about anything I can if I knew it would absolutely
guarantee your piggies roast the chickens this weekend.  And, really it's
not just at my office, talk radio is full of whiners - "if we win out I
don't think it's fair that we wouldn't jump Miami, OK or USC if they win out
too"  WAAAAAAAAAAA, I want to win a NC!  OMG, they are getting so disgusting
I can't take much more.  I have to keep walking out of my office they are
making me so sick.

 Btw, where is the game?

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Edwards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> So are you guys gonna send some extra karma to Barner land to help us out
> I wanna beat these clowns so bad I can taste it.
> David Edwards

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