----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jason Houston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "RollTideFan - University of Alabama Athletics 
Discussion List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 10:57 PM
Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] QB Problems?

> Isn't "potential" another word for "hasn't done crap?"

Only if you're totally clueless idiot.

This is what I call potential:

Spencer Pennington's high school career:
* Led his team to the 4A championship game

* 6,333 yards passing in three seasons

* 41 touchdown passes in his Junior and Senior years 

If you can't see that as potential, you're as stupid as 
Phil Harbison.

>> What is this, Pennington's 4th year at BAMA? You'd 
>> think he'd
>> gotten enough coaching by this point to be a 
>> dependable
>> QB. NOT!
> That's illogical. That sentence virtually MAKES the 
> point that the problem
> is that he's just not very good, despite having three 
> different coaches.

You're full of shit. See his high school numbers again 
if you don't believe me. The boy has potential. He just 
needs good coaching to help him achieve/realize that 

>> Jason, when Shula starts coaching QB's at BAMA, get 
>> back
>> with me. In the meantime, as long as that nimrod Dave
>> Rader is coaching QB's,  and coordinating the 
>> offense -

> Kind of like how we are with Kines, who is currently 
> trotting out the No. 1
> defense in America?

The same clown that said Timmy Chang couldn't be sacked 
even if he didn't have an offensive line? Are we talking 
about the same guy, Jason?

> It's Shula's offense, not Rader's, and Shula has 
> of input into coaching QB's.

That doesn't make me feel any better.

>> Or, it might be because Shula flipped a fuckin' coin 
>> and
>> it landed on Guilon.
> Sure. Whatever. That sounds like something Huge would 
> throw out.

Oh, that's rich!

> So the presumptive SEC East champion Tennessee -- at 
> their place -- isn't
> "worth a damn?" Wow.

In case you missed it, we LOST that game. Don't tell me 
you've resorted to finding solace in the proverbial 
'moral victory'!

> But until your dire predictions of our defense's 
> demise
> come true, we're the No. 1 defense in America.


> Because I've seen this team make a lot of progress 
> this season,

Jason, get over it. When Bama can play a complete season 
without QUITTING as they did in the South Carolina game 
this year, then we'll talk about progress.

> and I think
> the staff is doing a great job under the 
> circumstances.

This is a job for Kool-Aid! OH, YEAH!

For your sake, I hope Jim Jones didn't mix the Kool-Aid 
that left that moustache on your face.

> If you recall, in
> August I said I expected a 6-5 season and a minor bowl 
> game. That was BEFORE
> we lost our starting QB, RB and FB for the SEASON.

So, 6-5 with those injuries and you're all up in the 

> You're becoming the same type of fan Huge is....bitch 
> first -- and often --
> cheer later. We've got FAR too many of those in our 
> "fan" base.

I'm going to call it like I see it. If you don't like 
it, go sit in the corner with your daddy Phat Phil 

 > I'm out. You're welcome to the last (vulgar) word.

Oh, now you're going to play the little Choir Boy card, 

Well, since I have your permission...FUCK YOU. :)


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