The president of the Southern Christian Leadership 
Conference on Saturday urged prospective black athletes 
to boycott Auburn University until the school rehires 
two black athletics administrators.

Former administrators Stacy Danley and Eugene Harris 
were fired Feb. 10 in an administrative shakeup under 
Auburn's new athletics director.

SCLC President Charles Steele Jr., in a statement 
Saturday, endorsed a vote by the Alabama Legislative 
Black Caucus on Feb. 24 that called on prospective black 
athletes considering Auburn to boycott the university 
until Danley and Harris are rehired.

Steele, of Tuscaloosa, served in the Alabama Senate and 
the Black Caucus before taking the SCLC post in Atlanta. 
Steele was in Selma this weekend for events marking the 
40th anniversary of the "Bloody Sunday" march across the 
Edmund Pettus Bridge.

Steele said the black athletes should boycott Auburn 
until the university "takes a really strong look at 
addressing and correcting its reported discriminatory 

"I strongly urge Auburn University to address this 
matter immediately," Steele said. "If not, we may have 
to extend the Selma-to-Montgomery march on towards 

He said Auburn, "like any other institution, must ensure 
that it offers equal opportunities and privileges to 
everyone, regardless of race, nationality, gender, or 
creed. I am in full support of those working to make 
sure that Auburn addresses the issue of diversity on its 
campus and in its Athletic Department and that they 
reexamine and reverse their decision to lay off Danley 
and Harris."

In an earlier statement, new Athletic Director Jay 
Jacobs said Danley and Harris were dismissed because 
their jobs weren't needed under Jacobs' restructuring of 
the department. Jacobs noted that a white member of the 
department, marketing coordinator Marvin Julich, was 
also fired; and two blacks, Virgil Starks and David 
Mines, were promoted to associate athletic director 

Auburn's interim assistant provost for diversity and 
multicultural affairs, Kennan Grenell, earlier described 
the removal of Danley and Harris as blatantly 
discriminatory. He had urged the SCLC to protest the 
firings. Grenell did not immediately return a phone 
message left at his home Saturday.

Meanwhile, state Rep. Alvin Holmes, D-Montgomery, a 
member of the Legislative Black Caucus, said the caucus 
has discussed withholding state grant money to Auburn, 
but delayed voting on that move.

Holmes said one member of the caucus chairs the 
committee that will need to approve Auburn's budget.

Holmes said he planned to meet with civil rights leaders 
visiting the state this weekend in Selma to drum up 
support on the Auburn issue. He said they have also 
considered staging civil rights marches at Auburn.

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