CECIL HURT: Witt proposes new contract, raise for Moore

June 19, 2005

Among the many discussion topics that can prompt debate 
in the University of Alabama's fan base, the tenure of 
Mal Moore as the Crimson Tide's director of athletics 
ranks near the top of the list.

There is universal agreement that Moore, who became the 
director of athletics at UA in November 1999, has faced 
challenges that no other Alabama athletics director has 
ever faced, from whirlwind football coaching transitions 
to a harrowing NCAA probation to a massive upgrade of 
the bricks-and-mortar of the UA facilities. The 
unanimity breaks down, though, when different factions 
evaluate Moore's success rate at handling those 
challenges. His staunchest supporters think that no 
other person could have navigated the rough waters; his 
most fervent detractors think that he could have steered 
clear of the troubles, had he followed a different 

But no matter how many parties enter the debate, they 
can all be drowned out by a single voice. And that voice 
has spoken.

University of Alabama President Robert Witt has 
recommended to the University's Board of Trustees that 
Moore be given a five-year contract extension and a 
raise, a recommendation that the board accepted when it 
met in Tuscaloosa earlier this week. Moore has yet to 
sign the extension, but that seems to be a mere 
formality. When it is signed, Moore's contract, which 
was to expire at the end of this month, will extend to 
June of 2010.

Witt said Saturday morning that the lengthy extension 
was his idea.

"I was actually the one who recommended it," he said.

"I have the utmost respect for the job that Mal Moore 
has done. His work with the Crimson Tradition fund has 
been extraordinary. The initial goal of Crimson 
Tradition was to raise $50 million and that goal has 
been met and exceeded.

"He has provided steady leadership through a very 
difficult period, particularly in the transition from 
Coach [Dennis] Franchione to Coach [Mike] Price to Coach 
[Mike] Shula.

"The academic performance of our athletes in that times 
has been, in my opinion, exemplary. He has focused very 
intently on strengthening Jon Dever's academic support 
group. You can look at other campuses around the country 
and you will frequently see stories about academic 
difficulties that we have not had here.

"When you look at the performance of our teams from 
basketball to baseball to gymnastics to softball, it has 
been excellent. And I believe he has served as a very 
effective mentor to Mike Shula.

"When I added everything up -- Mal's performance, his 
dedication to the University and his love for the 
University -- I wanted to be sure he would be here for 
the foreseeable future."

Moore, reached just before he departed for a cruise with 
Crimson Tide coaches and fans on Saturday, said that he 
was "flattered and appreciative."

"President Witt called me yesterday to tell me it had 
been approved," Moore said. "We had actually first 
talked about it six or eight months ago, when he brought 
it up to me. All I can say now is that I'll do my best 
to keep things moving in the right direction."

For the most part, Witt, who became president of UA in 
March 2003, has allowed Moore to run the athletic 
department in his own way. When Witt has had to make 
decisions, they have been firm, and in the two most 
important instances, correct. The first was his decision 
to fire Price. The second has been his decision to find 
grounds for productive existence within the NCAA, even 
when some boosters have urged a more belligerent, 
perhaps even litigious, approach.

There are many possible ways to interpret Witt's strong 
stand in support of Moore. Some will see it as an 
endorsement of the status quo. Others might see it as 
empowering Moore to make changes in the athletics 
department beyond the renovation of the Tide's 
facilities. It will at least serve to deflect rumors 
that Moore's departure or retirement is imminent.

One ting is certain, though. Dr. Robert Witt has made 
clear that his vision for "the foreseeable future" of UA 
athletics will be implemented by Mal Moore.

Cecil Hurt is sports editor of The Tuscaloosa News. 
Reach him at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or at (205) 

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