Hi Jurgen,

We have made the changes in revs 10 and 11 to address your comments . The 
exception is module ietf-bfd-types which did not get renamed per reason below.


On 2018-02-25, 11:28 AM, "Reshad Rahman (rrahman)" <rrah...@cisco.com> wrote:

    Regarding the following, making the change is easy but ietf-bfd-types is 
used by other modules so this will impact these other modules. E.g. the RIP 
draft (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-rtgwg-yang-rip/) is 
currently in the RFC Editor queue, I presume it's too late then to make this 
name change?
            * BFD types YANG Module
              - <snip> In fact, ietf-bfd-types is kind of a
                misnomer; perhaps this should be ietf-bfd-common (the -common 
                used in RFC 8194 but I am biased here).
        <RR> Will rename to -common
    On 2018-02-23, 11:53 AM, "Reshad Rahman (rrahman)" <rrah...@cisco.com> 
        Hi Jürgen,
        Thank you for the review, response inline.
        On 2018-02-15, 4:35 AM, "Jürgen Schönwälder" 
<j.schoenwael...@jacobs-university.de> wrote:
            Reviewer: Jürgen Schönwälder
            Review result: Not Ready
            Review of draft-ietf-bfd-yang-09.txt.
            * General comments
              - Having requirements language below the abstract looks like a 
                idea, I assume the RFC editor will edit this. Also note that
                nowadays authors are usually expected to cite RFC 8174 as well
                with the extended boilerplate text.
        <RR> Will make the changes.
              - Update 2017 to 2018 in copyright statements etc.
        <RR> Will make the changes.
              - References to RFC 7223, RFC 7277, RFC 8022 should be updated to
                references to the I-Ds replacing them (sitting in the RFC editor
                queue). This may also involve changes in the YANG model.
        <RR> Will make the changes. I don't think this will involve changes in 
the YANG model, but will pay attention to this.
              - State whether the model is NMDA compliant (which it likely 
                be), see also previous item.
        <RR> This is mentioned in section 2. I will look into moving this to 
the intro and changing the text to clarify.
              - I am not sure why you want to cite I-D.dsdt-nmda-guidelines. 
                it not make more sense to cite the NMDA specification?
        <RR> Will make the change. By NMDA specification, you're referring to 
              - There are some YANG validation errors that should be addressed 
                the link on the datatracker).
        <RR> Those were in 8022bis I believe, gone now.
              - References YANG modules must be in the references and there must
                be citations in the text, hence there is the common phrase "This
                YANG module imports <bla> [RFCwxyz] and ...."
              - We generally prefer
                  reference "RFC 6991: Common YANG Data Types"
                  reference "RFC 6991"
                since not everybody remembers all the RFC numbers (add the RFC
                title after the RFC number, separated by a colon). In some 
                you actually use the syntactic format but you do not use the RFC
                title. Please make this consistent, following the usual
        <RR> Will make the change. 
              - I have raised a question on yang-doctors concerning the pattern
                  import ietf-inet-types {
                    prefix "inet";
                    reference "RFC 6991";
                and whether this should perhaps be
                  import ietf-inet-types {
                    prefix inet;
                    reference "RFC 6991: Common YANG Data Types
                               (at the time of this writing)";
         <RR> Saw the discussion, will make the change once there is closure.
            * Design of the Data Model
              - Do I always have to use schema mount to use these YANG models? 
                so, one might consider I-D.ietf-netmod-schema-mount a normative
                reference. Are you not augmenting the routing model?
          <RR> I will clarify in the text. There was a follow-up email 
discussion on this, we are augmenting the routing model and schema mount can be 
used (but not mandatory).
              - I do not understand the explanations how the groupings solve the
                problem that IGPs are moving targets (they come and go). How do
                the groupings help the operator to configure BFD parameters for
                peers they do not know about yet?
        <RR> I will update the text. Basically as IGPs discover 
peers/neighbors, they create BFD sessions "internally" (i.e. via API, not via 
              - How does a client know which choices of the "min-interval", used
                for both transmit and receive intervals, and "desired-min-tx-
                interval" and "required-min-rx-interval" are supported by an
         <RR> We'll think about this. We'll either add feature or make both 
              - The phrase 'operational model' probably means 'operational state
                model' and 'operational items' probably means 'operational state
        <RR> Will make the change. 
              - You have summary information and detailed BFD session 
                What would an implementation report if say access to some BFD
                sessions is restricted by access control? Would information 
                them still leak through the summary information? I assume so 
                this may be practically the way to do things but perhaps this
                needs to be mentioned in the security considerations.
        <RR> The summary information contains everything. I don't see what kind 
of security consideration is required if we know e.g. that we have so many 
sessions up and down.
              - In 2.3, you use 'clients of BFD' but I think this is very
                different from 'BFD clients'. Please clarify the terminology.
        <RR> Will use 'BFD clients' everywhere.
              - s/operational data/operational state data/g
        <RR> Yes
              - The *-count leafs seem to be gauge32, should yang-types:gauge32 
        <RR> Yes
              - There are also real counters that should probably use
                yang-types:counter32 and yang-types:counter64 instead of uint32
                and uint64.
        <RR> Yes
              - Is [I-D.ietf-mpls-base-yang] not a normative reference? See text
                in 2.11.3.
        <RR> Yes
              - Is [I-D.ietf-teas-yang-te] not a normative reference? See text 
        <RR> Yes
            * IANA BFD YANG Module
              - Fix the phrase "a collection of YANG data types considered 
                by IANA".
              - Does IANA understand how the typedefs diagnostic and auth-type 
                to be managed?  Does this relate to an existing registry? Or is
                this establishing a diagnostic registry? Should the last 
                in more clearly spell out that any changes to the existing
                registry must lead to an update of the YANG module and that
                updates to the YANG module are not allowed without an update to
                the other registries? The current wording "intended to reflect"
                seems vague. Should the description text for the typedefs make 
                explicit reference to the IANA registry for these number spaces?
        <RR> This is for an existing registry. I will see how to modify the 
            * BFD types YANG Module
              - The statement "This module contains a collection of BFD specific
                YANG data type definitions" seems wrong since you define way 
                things that just datatypes. In fact, ietf-bfd-types is kind of a
                misnomer; perhaps this should be ietf-bfd-common (the -common 
                used in RFC 8194 but I am biased here).
        <RR> Will rename to -common
              - s/Two interval values or 1 value/Two interval values or one 
        <RR> Yes
              - I think this is unclear (for me):
                  leaf down-count {
                     type uint32;
                     description "Session Down Count.";
                Is this a counter counting how many times the BFD session was
                down? The terse description does not tell. If this is a counter,
                then make it clear by using yang:counter32:
                  leaf down-count {
                     type yang:counter32;
                       "The number of times a BFD session transitioned into
                        the down state.";
                Please describe clearly what is being counted. Perhaps my
                interpretation is wrong, then please insert the correct 
                Note that this comment also applies to several of the subsequent
        <RR> Yes it is for number of times the session has gone down. I will 
look at the subsequent descriptions also and will add clarifications.
              - Clarify counter relationships. Right now, I assume that
                admin-down-count is included in down-count (but my 
                may also be wrong). Same for received/send and received/send bad
        <RR>  admin-down-count is not included in down-count. For packet 
counters, yes the bad packet count is included in total packet count. Will 
              - You have a container session-statistics and a grouping
                session-statistics and it seems they count very different 
                the first seems to have statistics of stuff happening within a
                session (per session statistics) and the later seems to have
                statistics across all sessions. This is a bit unfortunate, if 
                search of session statistics you find stuff that leaves you
                puzzled. Please avoid this name clash and also make sure the
                description of the leafs makes it clear whether it is a per
                session leaf or a leaf for all sessions.
        <RR> Correct. I'll rename the container which is "across sessions" to 
summary or session-summary.
              - The *count leafs in "session-statistics" (ha) seem to be of
                type yang:gauge32, i.e., I would write something along these
                   leaf sessions {
                     type yang:gauge32;
                     description "Number of BFD sessions.";
                   leaf sessions-up {
                     type yang:gauge32;
                     description "Number of BFD sessions that are up.";
        <RR> Yes the "count" in session-statistics are actually gauges and 
should be changed (and -count taken out from the name).
            * BFD IP multihop YANG Module
              - This is indented differently. Well the RFC editor will fix I
        <RR> Will fix.
            * Examples
              - I have not validated the examples. I do not know whether the 
                tooling is meanwhile able to do this - likely not. Did the 
                confirm that they automatically validate the examples? Well,
                looking at the namespaces, likely not (the augmentations do not
                live in the ietf-routing namespace). So these examples need to 
                validated and fixed. I have used yanglint for this, works better
                for me than the pyang solutions, but the authors should figure 
                what works for them.
        <RR> I didn't verify them.. I was having issues with the verification 
tools. The examples will be verified.
              - There are special IP address blocks for examples; the IPv6 
                you show seems to belong to APNIC...
        <RR> I'll use IP addresses from the example address block.
            * Security Considerations
              - Needs to be updated to the latest boilerplate.
        <RR> Ack.
              - You should discuss security properties of objects, there is more
                work to do here.
        <RR> Will look into this.
            * Appendix A
              - I do not understand what is going on here, I think this needs a
                bit more explanatory text. Why is the informal description of 
                two parameters more detailed than the description in the example
                YANG module? I suggest to have a proper description in the YANG
                module only.
            <RR> Will add text. Goal was to add an example of how echo could be 
            * Appendix B
              - What is an area-id? The description is not helpful.
              - list interface [...] description "List of interfaces" is not
                really useful.
        <RR> Considering removing this appendix.

--- Begin Message ---
A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.
This draft is a work item of the Bidirectional Forwarding Detection WG of the 

        Title           : YANG Data Model for Bidirectional Forwarding 
Detection (BFD)
        Authors         : Reshad Rahman
                          Lianshu Zheng
                          Mahesh Jethanandani
                          Santosh Pallagatti
                          Greg Mirsky
        Filename        : draft-ietf-bfd-yang-10.txt
        Pages           : 69
        Date            : 2018-03-01

   This document defines a YANG data model that can be used to configure
   and manage Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD).

   The YANG modules in this document conform to the Network Management
   Datastore Architecture (NMDA).

The IETF datatracker status page for this draft is:

There are also htmlized versions available at:

A diff from the previous version is available at:

Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of submission
until the htmlized version and diff are available at tools.ietf.org.

Internet-Drafts are also available by anonymous FTP at:

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.
This draft is a work item of the Bidirectional Forwarding Detection WG of the 

        Title           : YANG Data Model for Bidirectional Forwarding 
Detection (BFD)
        Authors         : Reshad Rahman
                          Lianshu Zheng
                          Mahesh Jethanandani
                          Santosh Pallagatti
                          Greg Mirsky
        Filename        : draft-ietf-bfd-yang-11.txt
        Pages           : 73
        Date            : 2018-03-04

   This document defines a YANG data model that can be used to configure
   and manage Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD).

   The YANG modules in this document conform to the Network Management
   Datastore Architecture (NMDA).

The IETF datatracker status page for this draft is:

There are also htmlized versions available at:

A diff from the previous version is available at:

Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of submission
until the htmlized version and diff are available at tools.ietf.org.

Internet-Drafts are also available by anonymous FTP at:

--- End Message ---

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