I support WG adoption of this draft. Use of the demand mode for p2p LSP 
monitoring is feasible and required.

Best Regards,

Xiao Min


发件人:JeffreyHaas <jh...@pfrc.org>
收件人:rtg-bfd@ietf.org <rtg-bfd@ietf.org>;
日 期 :2018年10月18日 06:24
主 题 :WG Adoption request for draft-mirsky-bfd-mpls-demand

Working Group,

The BFD chairs have received an adoption request for 
"BFD in Demand Mode over Point-to-Point MPLS LSP"


The adoption call will end on the Friday after IETF 103, November 9.

Note that there is are existing IPR statements on this draft:

Please indicate to the mailing list whether you support adoption of this

-- Jeff & Reshad

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