Hi all,

I support WG adoption of this draft (as co-author).

At the same time, I support to change its status to Proposed Standard, and add 
tag of "Updates RFC5880".

Best Regards,

Xiao Min


发件人:JeffreyHaas <jh...@pfrc.org>
收件人:rtg-bfd@ietf.org <rtg-bfd@ietf.org>;
日 期 :2020年08月04日 21:04
主 题 :Adoption call for draft-cw-bfd-unaffiliated-echo (ending 16 August,2020)

Working Group,


At the virtual IETF 108, Unaffiliated BFD Echo Function was presented.  This
is a followup of a presentation given at IETF 106.

The authors have indicated they would like to have this work adopted by the
BFD WG.  This begins the adoption call ending August 16.  Please respond to
the mailing list with your thoughts on this adoption.

It should be noted that this document overlaps work in the Broadband Forum
(BBF) document TR-146.  As noted in the presentation, the BBF document lacks
some clarity and also doesn't discuss interactions with BFD implementations.
This draft has good clarifications with regard to implementations of this
mechanism when the a BFD Echo-capable implementation is used.

This raises two points to consider as part of adoption:
- This document with its current goals would Update RFC 5880.
- The status of this document would need to be Proposed Standard.

-- Jeff

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