Hi Greg,

Please see inline with [XM].

Best Regards,
Xiao Min
抄送人:draft-ietf-bfd-unaffiliated-e...@ietf.org;rtg-bfd WG;
日 期 :2021年11月17日 23:48
主 题 :Re: Several questions about the draft-ietf-bfd-unaffiliated-echo
Hi Xiao Min,thank you for your quick response to my questions and comments. 
Please find my follow-up notes in-lined below under the GIM>> tag.


On Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 1:00 AM <xiao.m...@zte.com.cn> wrote:
Hi Greg,
Thanks for your thorough review and insightful questions.
I hold the pen for draft-ietf-bfd-unaffiliated-echo, so I'd like to give my 
reply first.
As you may have known or not, before this draft was posted, we ever tried to 
submit an errata instead of an I-D. However, under the direction of the 
responsible AD and WG chairs, we realized that an informational draft might be 
the proper way to record our implementation and deployment. And then, during 
the adoption poll of this draft, there was rough consensus that this draft 
should be adopted as standards track document, so we changed the intended 
status from informational to standards track.
Please see inline for more responses with XM>>>.
Best Regards,
Xiao Min
收件人:draft-ietf-bfd-unaffiliated-e...@ietf.org;rtg-bfd WG;
日 期 :2021年11月17日 01:40
主 题 :Several questions about the draft-ietf-bfd-unaffiliated-echo
Dear Authors,I've read the latest version and I have several questions. I 
greatly appreciate your insights and clarifications:
Firstly, what is being standardized by this specification? I couldn't find that 
the described process requires any cooperation, action from a remote BFD peer. 
As I can see, only the sender of BFD Echo packets is acting and thus every 
action, e.g., construction of the test probe, a method to demultiplex incoming 
test packets, etc., is internal to the sender. Hence, it appears that there is 
nothing to be standardized as all of it is internal processing that does not 
impact any other BFD system.
XM>>> The intention is to record a popular use of the BFD Echo function that 
doesn't comply with RFC 5880, at the same time this document does some 
clean-ups to RFC 5880.
GIM>> In my opinion, if something doesn't comply with the protocol, then it 
must be re-worked, not the protocol. If that is not possible, then, probably, 
that is not really a part of the protocol.
[XM] I don't think so. RFC 5880 has been updated by RFC 7419, RFC 7880 and RFC 
8562. Any IETF RFC can be updated or even obsoleted.

The first update to RFC 5880 seems to suggest that the Echo function is an 
essential part of both Asynchronous and Demand modes of BFD. The original text 
of RFC 5880 characterizes the Echo function as an adjunct, i.e., a 
supplemental, function. The proposed new text - as a function that completes 
both BFD modes, makes them perfect, i.e., is an essential, necessary component. 
I think that that is not really the case and the BFD Echo function is not an 
essential, optional function of the BFD protocol.
XM>>> Does s/complement/supplement work for you?
GIM>> That is better but "adjunct" has the same meaning as "complement". I 
propose removing "complement" altogether and, as the result, leaving the text 
in RFC 5880 unchanged.
[XM] To my understanding, "adjunct" implies BFD Echo is dependent, however 
Unaffiliated BFD Echo is independent, so this update is needed.

The last sentence in the next proposed update to the RFC 5880 concerns me:
The Echo function may also be used independently, with neither Asynchronous nor 
Demand mode.
It appears that, if accepted, the BFD Echo function is transformed into an 
additional BFD mode. If that is the case, then this specification, in my 
opinion, is not updating the RFC 5880 but is defining a new protocol.
XM>>> I tend to agree that the Unaffiliated BFD Echo can be seen as a new BFD 
mode, however I don't think it's defining a new protocol, it's definitely based 
on BFD protocol.
GIM>> If the BFD Echo is a new BFD mode then that seems to be in conflict with 
"adjunct to both modes is the Echo function". I think that the proponents of 
this document must decide and clarify their position in regard to the status of 
the BFD Echo Is it a mode or function in BFD protocol? Then, resulting from the 
answer to that question, it will be clear whether the proposal is complying 
with RFC 5880 or not.
[XM] As I said above, "adjunct" needs to be updated. In addition, I tend to 
agree it's a new BFD mode, however a new BFD mode looks a bit heavy to be 
documented, my proposal is to call it just "Unaffiliated BFD Echo", remove 
"function" from its name.

For all the proposed updates to the RFC 5880, it is not clear why in some 
proposed texts, both modes, Asynchronous, and Demand, are referenced but in 
some only the Asynchronous. For example, updates to Section 6.1, Section 6.4, 
and Section 6.8.3 refer only to the Asynchronous mode, while updates to Section 
6.8 and Section 6.8.9 - refer to both BFD modes.
XM>>> As I recall it, the reason is that some updated text applies to 
Asynchronous mode only, and some others applies to both modes.
GIM>> As I understand it, BFD Echo applies to both BFD modes - Asynchronous and 
Demand. The text in RFC 5880 is clear about that in the following "An adjunct 
to both modes is the Echo function." I think that these updates of RFC 5880 are 
more confusing and not necessary. I propose removing them altogether.
[XM] I disagree. We need these updates to make Unaffiliated BFD Echo complied 
with RFC 5880. If you have concern on any specific update, please raise it up, 
and then we can dig into the details.

In the second paragraph of Section 3 of the draft, the specification recommends 
that an implementation supporting this draft follows the BFD state machine, as 
defined in RFC 5880. Why is it a recommendation and not a requirement? And 
further, if an implementation does not follow the BFD state machine, is it 
still BFD?
XM>>> Make sense. I think we can make it a requirement instead of 
GIM>> Thank you. In that case, I have a question. If the BFD Echo follows the 
BFD state machine as defined in RFC 5880, sending BFD Echo before a BFD session 
is in the Up state is a violation of:
BFD Echo packets MUST NOT be transmitted when bfd.SessionState is not
Up.  BFD Echo packets MUST NOT be transmitted unless the last BFD
Control packet received from the remote system contains a nonzero
value in Required Min Echo RX Interval.
So, hence my question
How the BFD session reaches the Up state?
[XM] That's why I disagree with your proposal to remove all the updates to RFC 
5880. I've noticed the text you quoted from RFC 5880 and made an update, please 
take a look at Section 2 of this draft. As to your question, please take a look 
at last paragraph of Section 3 of this draft, if it's still not clear, please 
let me know and I can improve it.

Further, in the third paragraph of Section 3, it appears that the BFD Echo 
function on device A starts transmitting BFD control packets once the session 
is created. What is the state of the created BFD Echo session? As I understand 
it, the BFD state machine starts from the Init. Isn't that the case for this 
document as well?
XM>>> No change to the BFD state machine. As I understand it, it's DOWN state.
GIM>> I think that the first BFD Control packet in the Asynchronous mode is 
sent with the Init state. According to RFC 5880, BFD Echo packets MUST NOT be 
transmitted before the session reaches the Up state. I cannot find in the draft 
an explanation of how the state machine progresses from Down to Up state to 
allow a BFD Echo packet transmission.
[XM] Acc to my reading on Section 6.2 of RFC 5880, the first BFD Control packet 
in the Asynchronous mode is sent with *Down* state, not *Init* state.

In the same first sentence of the third paragraph in Section 3, another 
recommendation reads as "SHOULD include a BFD Echo session demultiplexing 
field". I have questions similar to the recommendation in the second paragraph 
of Section 3:
Why is it a recommendation and not a requirement?
What happens if an implementation does not include that particular field in the 
transmitted packets? Is it still a BFD Echo? How then sessions are 
I greatly appreciate your consideration and help in clarifying these aspects of 
the draft.
XM>>> Is that possible an implementation uses IP five tuples to demultiplex the 
loopbacked packets? If not, I agree to change from SHOULD to MUST.
GIM>> I really don't know. I believe that the authors need to decide and 
clarify in the specification.
[XM] OK, I'll discuss it with my co-authors and act on the draft in the next 

Now, I may have an alternative proposal that can produce the desired result and 
not require any update to RFC 5880. Please consider the following:
RFC 8562 introduced a new type of the BFD session - MultipointHead. A system 
acting as the MultipointHead periodically transmits BFD Control packets in 
Demand mode, doesn't have the Init state, and starts in the Up state (no 
three-way handshake).
Considering the above, a system that uses the Unaffiliated BFD Echo starts as 
MultipointHead with bfd.DesiredMinTxInterval set to the maximum value (or any 
sanely large enough). The exact construction of the periodic BFD Control 
packets transmitted by the MultipointHead needs some detailed analysis (I 
haven't spent enough time on that).
In the meantime, because the BFD session for the MultipointHead started in the 
Up state, it can transmit BFD Echo packets according to RFC 5880 and RFC 8562.
I think that if this proposal works, it may be moved as Informational since it 
describes the use of well-known BFD principles and mechanisms in an innovative 
and useful manner.
XM>>> Although I'm unfamiliar with RFC 8562, while seeing BFD Demand mode, the 
first question came to my mind is that, can the peer system of MultipointHead 
be a BFD-unware device? That's the key requirement which results in 
Unaffiliated BFD Echo.
Thank you again, Greg.
GIM>> RFC 8562 enables BFD peer(s), referred to as MultipointTail, to monitor 
the MutipointHead and the continuity of the multipoint network. In that 
scenario, the MultipointHead is not aware of the presence of any 
MultipointTail. Thus, answering your question, the sender of BFD Control 
packets, per RFC 8562, does not require its remote peer is BFD-capable. Perhaps 
others would share their understanding of RFC 8562?

What are your thoughts, questions?

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