At this point, I don't think that there is a consensus for the working group to 
adopt this draft
without more discussion of the issue raised by Loa Andersson and Adrian Farrel 
in the
following two emails.


The main objection raised in these two emails is that the working group should 
work on
solutions that are either unencumbered by IPR or that are available on 
terms.   Loa and Adrian also point out that the current lack of visibility to 
the patent
application covered by the IPR disclosure for this draft means that it is 
currently not possible to
evaluate this situation with respect to this draft.

The reason for the IPR disclosure process is to allow working groups to take 
into consideration
the potential licensing of IPR when evaluating alternative technical solutions. 
 At this point,
adopting draft-nitish-vrrp-bfd-04 as the basis for work on standardizing the 
use of VRRP
with BFD without more discussion of this issue would imply that there is 
consensus that
the working group should not take potential licensing of IPR into account for 
this work.
I don't think there is currently consensus for this.

I encourage further discussion of this issue. I think that there may be the 
potential to
reach a consensus if the working group can come to an explicit agreement about 
or not potential licensing of IPR should be taken into account when evaluating 
technologies for this work.


From: Chris Bowers
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2016 10:44 AM
To: 'rtgwg@ietf.org' <rtgwg@ietf.org>; rtg-...@ietf.org
Subject: WG adoption poll on draft-nitish-vrrp-bfd-04


This email starts a two week poll to gauge consensus on adopting 
as an RTGWG working group document.

The BFD working group is also copied on this adoption poll.  We encourage 
participants in
BFD working group to provide their input on the adoption poll.  And should this 
be adopted as an RTGWG document, we would plan to copy the BFD WG on emails
related to this document to benefit from the BFD expertise in that WG in the 
of this document.

Please send your comments to the RTGWG mailing list 
(rtgwg@ietf.org<mailto:rtgwg@ietf.org>) indicating support
or opposition to the adoption of this document, along with the reasoning for 
that support
or opposition.

If you are listed as a document author or contributor, please respond to this 
email stating
whether or not you are aware of any relevant IPR.   The response needs to be 
sent to the
RTGWG mailing list. The document will not advance to the next stage until a 
response has
been received from each author and each individual that has contributed to the 

At this point, the document has the following IPR disclosure associated with it.

This adoption poll will end on Friday October 14th.

Chris and Jeff

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