Hi all,
I concur with Stewart regarding the way to move forward with the draft.

I defer to the RTGWG chairs regarding the decision to adopt the draft now or 
after the new version is posted.


Office: +972-39266302
Cell:      +972-549266302
Email:   alexander.vainsht...@ecitele.com

From: Stewart Bryant [mailto:stewart.bry...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2018 4:39 PM
To: bruno.decra...@orange.com; Alexander Vainshtein 
Cc: rtgwg-cha...@ietf.org; pfr...@gmail.com; 
draft-bashandy-rtgwg-segment-routing-ti-...@ietf.org; daniel.vo...@bell.ca; 
rtgwg@ietf.org; Ahmed Bashandy <abashandy.i...@gmail.com>; Robert Raszuk 
<rob...@raszuk.net>; Chris Bowers <cbow...@juniper.net>
Subject: Re: Request for RTGWG Working Group adoption for 

So, it sounds like we need a new version of the draft clarifying the solution's 
characteristics and allowing the reader to evaluate its applicability to their 
specific network problem.

Publishing an updated text fully addressing the review comments and putting it 
back to the WG for review of the revised draft would seem to be the way forward.

Best Regards


On 12/07/2018 13:06, 
bruno.decra...@orange.com<mailto:bruno.decra...@orange.com> wrote:

Please see inline [Bruno]

From: Alexander Vainshtein [mailto:alexander.vainsht...@ecitele.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2018 1:26 PM
Cc: rtgwg-cha...@ietf.org<mailto:rtgwg-cha...@ietf.org>; 
rtgwg@ietf.org<mailto:rtgwg@ietf.org>; Ahmed Bashandy; Robert Raszuk; Chris 
Bowers; Stewart Bryant
Subject: RE: Request for RTGWG Working Group adoption for 

It seems there is some misunderstanding, and I will try to clarify it.

To the best of my understanding, the following text in Section 1 of the draft 
presents the benefits of using post-convergence path for FRR:

   As the capacity of the post-convergence path is typically planned by
   the operator to support the post-convergence routing of the traffic
   for any expected failure, there is much less need for the operator
   to tune the decision among which protection path to choose.  The
   protection path will automatically follow the natural backup path
   that would be used after local convergence.  This also helps to
   reduce the amount of path changes and hence service transients: one
   transition (pre-convergence to post-convergence) instead of two
   (pre-convergence to FRR and then post-convergence).

I see two different claims of benefits from using post-convergence path in this 
test fragment

1.       One path change and therefore one service transient instead of two

2.       Post-convergence path is taken into account in the operator’s panning 
(e.g., by allocating sufficient resources for traffic flows on both 
pre-convergence and post-convergence paths).

Speaking just for myself, I think that neither of these claims is justified for 
traffic flows that do not originate at the PLR.

E.g., consider Stewart’s example and the traffic flow from A to E

1.       This flow will experience two path changes (pre-convergence--> FRR and 
FRR --> post-convergence

2.       The network operator will not take links C-F, F-G and G-D for 
consideration in its planning of pre-convergence and post-convergence paths for 
this flow.

Did I miss something substantial?
[Bruno] I think we should distinguish 2 aspects:
a) the technical behavior
b) the text/claims in the draft

My answer was about “a”. I see that you are not challenging it.
Regarding “b”, speaking for myself, I’m primarily interesting in the technical 
specification, less about the text introduced to motivate the solution. That 
being said:
1) If it were up to me, I would personally be very open to completely rewrite 
the text you cited. e.g. using my text ;-) (below).
2) I mostly agree with you. Although possibly the text could be rephrased to 
say that it refers to the local behavior on the PLR rather than the end to end 
path in the network. Also, capacity planning is very topology dependent and SP 
dependent. Here, Stewart’s example is custom-built to highlight a case where 
capacity planning for TI-LFA is different than capacity planning for link 
failure. I personally don’t find the example very typical of real network, as 
typically it’s more efficient to try to share the backup capacity for both link 
and node failure, which is not the case in the example.
That being said, the example is good enough to say that the capacity planning 
claim is not guaranteed. Again, cf my point 1. i.e. I support changing this 

Coming back to the technical behavior, if we agree that using the shortest path 
from the PLR to the destination is the best path (that we can choose from) 
that’s good enough for me.



Office: +972-39266302
Cell:      +972-549266302

From: bruno.decra...@orange.com<mailto:bruno.decra...@orange.com> 
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2018 12:49 PM
To: Stewart Bryant <stewart.bry...@gmail.com><mailto:stewart.bry...@gmail.com>
Cc: rtgwg-cha...@ietf.org<mailto:rtgwg-cha...@ietf.org>; 
rtgwg@ietf.org<mailto:rtgwg@ietf.org>; Ahmed Bashandy 
<abashandy.i...@gmail.com><mailto:abashandy.i...@gmail.com>; Alexander 
Robert Raszuk <rob...@raszuk.net><mailto:rob...@raszuk.net>; Chris Bowers 
Subject: RE: Request for RTGWG Working Group adoption for 


Please see 1 comment inline [Bruno]
Trimming the text to ease the focus on this point

From: Stewart Bryant [mailto:stewart.bry...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2018 2:40 PM

On 09/07/2018 20:53, Ahmed Bashandy wrote:

b.       Selecting the post-convergence path (inheritance from draft-francois) 
does not provide for any benefits for traffic that will not pass via the PLR 
after convergence.

                                                               i.      The 
authors claim to have addressed this issue by stating that “Protection applies 
to traffic which traverses the Point of Local Repair (PLR). Traffic which does 
NOT traverse the PLR remains unaffected.”

SB> It is not as simple as that, and I think that the draft needs to provide 
greater clarity.

I think there will be better examples, but consider

      |              |
        10  |        |

Traffic injected at C will initially go C-D-E at cost 2, will be repaired 
C-F-G-D-E at cost 4 and will remain on that path post convergence. This 
congruence of path is what TI-LFA claims.

However, a long standing concern about traffic starting further back in the 
network needs to be more clearly addressed in the draft to clearly demonstrate 
the scope of applicability.

For traffic starting at A, before failure the path is A-B-C-D-E cost 13

TI-LFA will repair to make the path A-B-C-F-G-D-E cost 15 because TI-LFA 
optimises based on local repairs computed at C.

After repair the path will be A-B-D-E cost 14.

[Bruno] The draft is about IP Fast ReRoute (FRR).
FRR is a local reaction to failure, so by hypothesis, all nodes but the PLR are 
not aware about the failure. This includes all upstream nodes which do keep 
forwarding traffic through the same path, i.e. via the PLR.
The argument that the path would have been shorter if upstream node were aware 
of the failure to reroute before (or that the PLR should send the packet back 
in time) is not relevant.
The only question which matter is: from the PLR to the destination, which is 
the best path to use?
I, and the draft, argue that the best path in IP routing, is the IGP shortest 
path. Whichever type of metric you choose (e.g. bandwidth, latency, cost…). Do 
you disagree on this?

Now, eventually we can narrow down the discussion to the choice of terms. We 
can discuss about the term “post-convergence paths from the point of local 
repair », which you don’t think to like. Although, the term seems technically 
true to me, I would also be fine with changing from  “post-convergence path” to 
“optimal IGP shortest path”

So the draft needs to make it clear to the reader that TI-LFA only provides 
benefit to traffic which traverses the PLR before and after failure.

[Bruno] No, that is not true. cf above.

Traffic which does not pass through the PLR after the failure will need to be 
traffic engineered separately from traffic that passes though the PLR in both 


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