Mingui and all,
Apologies -this has been inadvertently sent without any comments.

Lots of thanks for a prompt and very encouraging response.

Your answers and proposed updates look very promising, and I think that it 
would not be too difficult to resolve remaining open issues.

Please see some specific comments inline below marked [[Sasha]].


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From: Alexander Vainshtein <alexander.vainsht...@ecitele.com>
Sent: Monday, July 6, 2020, 08:31
To: Zhangmingui (Martin); Alexander Vainshtein; rtg-...@ietf.org
Cc: rtg-...@ietf.org; draft-ietf-trill-multilevel-single-nickname....@ietf.org; 
Yemin (Amy); rtgwg@ietf.org
Subject: Re: RtgDir review: draft-ietf-trill--multilevel-single-nickname-11


Get Outlook for 

From: rtg-dir <rtg-dir-boun...@ietf.org> on behalf of Zhangmingui (Martin) 
Sent: Sunday, July 5, 2020, 21:11
To: Alexander Vainshtein; rtg-...@ietf.org
Cc: rtg-...@ietf.org; draft-ietf-trill-multilevel-single-nickname....@ietf.org; 
Yemin (Amy); rtgwg@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [RTG-DIR] RtgDir review: 

Hi Alexander,

Please refer to our responses prefixed with <Authors>.

Dr. Zhang Mingui (Martin) 张民贵
DataCom’s Lab, 2012 Laboratories-Paris Research Center, Huawei
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On Fri, Jul 3, 2020 at 12:19 PM Alexander Vainshtein 
<alexander.vainsht...@rbbn.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been selected as the Routing Directorate reviewer for this
> draft. The Routing Directorate seeks to review all routing or
> routing-related drafts as they pass through IETF last call and IESG
> review, and sometimes on special request. The purpose of the review is
> to provide assistance to the Routing ADs. For more information about
> the Routing Directorate, please see
> https://clicktime.symantec.com/3KUaokLoA25q8MsVZwHpkr96H2?u=http%3A%2F%2Ftrac.tools.ietf.org%2Farea%2Frtg%2Ftrac%2Fwiki%2FRtgDir
> Although these comments are primarily for the use of the Routing ADs, it 
> would be helpful if you could consider them along with any other IETF Last 
> Call comments that you receive, and strive to resolve them through discussion 
> or by updating the draft.
> Document:  draft-ietf-trill--multilevel-single-nickname-11
> Reviewer: Alexander (“Sasha”) Vainshtein Review Date: 02-Jul-20 IETF
> LC End Date: 07-Jul-20 Intended Status: Proposed Standard
> Summary:
> I have some minor concerns about this document that I think should be 
> resolved before publication.

<Authors> Thanks for your review and comments.

> Comments:
> I have done an early review of the -01 version of this draft more than 4 
> years ago. I have to admit that my knowledge of TRILL has not improved since 
> then, so that my comments should be taken with a grain of salt by the ADs.
> I have tried, to the best of my ability, to track the changes that have 
> happened to the draft and around it as part of my review. One of the changes 
> that I have noticed is publication of RFC 8423 (Informational) and RFC 8397 
> (Standards Track) that have been just Work in Progress at the time of my 
> previous review.  The former describes the motivation for multi-level TRILL 
> and identifies two alternative approaches for it while the latter defines the 
> necessary protocol extensions for one of these approaches - “unique nickname”.

<Authors> I think you mean RFC 8243, not 8423.
[[Sasha]] Oops! Lots of thanks for catching the typo.

> One of the things that, from my POV, did not really change is readability of 
> the draft: it has not been easy reading then, and remains difficult to read 
> for the people who, like me, are not TRILL experts. I am not sure this can be 
> much improved, however.

<Authors> If there are suggestions for improving readability, we would be happy 
to consider them.
-[[Sasha]] Unfortunately I do not have any specific suggestions.

> The draft has been at its -09 revision when I have been selected as the 
> reviewer, and has advanced to -11 revision while under review:
> ·         the -10 revision addresses some of the issues in the Gen-Art review
> ·         the -11 revision has addressed some of the issues I have raised in 
> private discussion with the authors. I did not mention the issues that I have 
> raised vs. the -10 revision. I have skipped the issues that have been 
> addressed in the -11 version from this review.
> I did not check the draft for nits. Not being a native English speaker I also 
> did not check for the grammar.
> I would like to thank the authors, and especially Mingui, for cooperation and 
> patience.

<Authors> You are welcome.

> Major Issues:
> None found
> Minor Issues:
> 1.       The draft updates the base TRILL spec by changing the forwarding 
> rules in the border RBridges, but this is not reflected in the metadata and 
> not made sufficiently clear in the text:
> a.       I have noticed that 8397 is not marked as updating the base TRILL 
> spec. I have been told that the ADs feeling at the time of publication has 
> been that it simply extends the base spec and therefore no metadata markings 
> are necessary
> b.       From my POV, even if 8397 may be considered as just extending the 
> base TRILL spec, this draft – that changes the forwarding rules specified in 
> the base spec -  definitely goes beyond that
> c.       AFAIK  it is customary in similar cases to explicitly state in the 
> text (and not just in the metadata) something like “this draft updates RFC 
> xxx by  ...”. The sentence the authors have added to the Introduction in -11 
> is not sufficiently clear from my POV

<Authors> We are happy to do whatever the ADs would like about this. If the 
ADs/IESG would like us to add an "Updates 6325" to the first page header and 
add a sentence like "This draft updates RFC 6325." at the end of the Abstract 
and in the Introduction, we would be happy to do that.
[[Sasha]] Sounds good. So the ball is in the ADs court on that.

> 2.       As mentioned above, this draft changes the TRILL forwarding rules by 
> requesting the Border RBridges to replace ingress and/or egress nickname when 
>  a TRILL data packets traverses TRILL L2 area.
> a.       My knowledge of TRILLL OAM toolbox is non-existent, but if it 
> contains something resembling “ping” and/or “traceroute”, change of ingress 
> and egress nicknames could potentially hamper such tools
> b.       IMHO and FWIW, impact of the draft on the TRILL OAM tools should be 
> at least discussed in the draft

<Authors> TRILL OAM messages are specified in RFC 7455. The destination is 
specified not just by a destination RBridge nickname but by a destination MAC 
(the Inner.MacDA). So, by using a MAC address belonging to the destination 
RBridge, a TRILL OAM message will be forwarded through the multilevel single 
nickname TRILL campus. Text could be added about this.
[[Sasha]] Adding such text would definitely help, especially as my attempt to 
read and understand 7455 have not yielded sufficient understanding of the TRILL 
OAM principles. One thing that should be clarified in this text, IMHO, is 
sending an inline response to a TRILL OAM request message (if relevant).

> 3.       I still have doubts regarding the problem this draft tries to solve 
> and its relevance
> a.       To the best of my understanding, the motivation for multi-level 
> TRILL are scale and churn prevention. Both these issues are addressed (to 
> some extent) by 8397 with the scale, in theory, reaching 64K of RBridges in a 
> single multi-level campus
> b.       Even simply saying that “this draft answers the problem of what  is 
> the best you can do on scaling if you ...allow change in the data plane 
> processing at border RBridges between Level 1 and Level 2”  would help the 
> readers to understand the problem this draft tries to solve IMHO
> c.       Some input on the real and expected scale of TRILL campuses would 
> also help the readers to understand whether the solution proposed by the 
> draft is or is not relevant for them.

<Authors> Potential TRILL scaling demand is approximately the same as IP based 
data center scaling. Furthermore, for any particular size in terms of the 
number of TRILL RBridges, more than one nickname will be required per RBridge 
if the active-active end-station technique in RFC 7781 is used as discussed in 
Section 1.2.5 of RFC 8243.
[[Sasha]] Can you please add some text on that, especially regarding 
Avtive-Active end-station technique and its relationship with multi-level 
TRILL. I did not notice anything about 7781 in the the draft.

> 4.       I could  not understand from the  discussion of discovery in Section 
> 5 of -011 whether such “positive” events as recovery of a link/node whose 
> failure has caused partitioning of a L1 area, or addition of a new Border 
> Rbridge between L2 and L1 areas would result in a relatively long traffic hit 
> due to re-discovery process or not:
> a.       I do not expect such positive events to have prolonged impact on 
> traffic with the solution defined in 8397 (can be wrong, of course)
> b.       An explicit statement, one way or another, regarding prolonged 
> traffic hit in the case of positive events would be useful IMHO

<Authors> The merger of L1 areas under this draft is about the same as the 
merger of two single-level TRILL campuses. How long is "prolonged"?
<Authors> Going to multi-level speeds up routing convergence enormously (see 
Sections 1.2.1 and 1.2.3 of RFC 8243). RBridges are identified in the LSDB by 
router ID, not nickname. So, while nicknames might change and have to settle 
after a merger this happens in parallel with least-cost-path settling and the 
like. It is the case that if nicknames were duplicated between the areas that 
are merging, some traffic might be misdelivered while the combined area is 
<Authors> This is called out in the Security Considerations section. In 
summary, we do not think that such merger events would cause "prolonged" impact 
on traffic.
[Sasha]] I think that the problematic positive event is a new (or previously 
failed) Border RBridge coming up. This looks to me as different from the merger 
of two L1 domains in IS-IS in general and specifically in TRILL with 8397. Any 
details on this scenario would be most helpful.

> 5.       Section 8 discusses the situation when one (or more) of the Border 
> RBridges of a certain L1 area supports only 8397, while one (or more) Border 
> RBridges of the same area support this draft.
> a.       The draft says that in this case all Border RBridges of the L1 area 
> in question must fall back to 8397.
> b.       This seems to suggest  that all RBridges that implement this draft 
> SHOULD (or possibly even MUST) also implement 8397; otherwise they would not 
> to be able to fall back to the 8397 in the case of mixed configuration as 
> required
> c.       If this understanding is correct, I think that it has to be made 
> explicit

<Authors> We think that saying they MUST fall back to RFC 8397 behavior implies 
that MUST support such behavior.
[[Sasha]] IMHO this is a very important point with multiple implications and it 
should be stated up front. I agree that it can be implied from the current text 
(well, I have been able to guess it in my review  in spite of my definitely 
limited understanding of TRILL😉), but it can also easily be lost on the reader.

> 6.       The text in Section 8 that says that  “duplicated {MAC, Data Label} 
> across these areas ought not occur ” looks as a requirement to me, but 
> neither MUST nor SHOULD are used. And it is not clear to me what happens if 
> this requirement is violated.

<Authors> It is an axiom of L2 networks that the same end station MAC and data 
label SHOULD not occur on more than one end station. If you violate that, it 
probably doesn't matter much which instance of the {MAC, Data Label} receives 
some frame being forwarded by TRILL. There are some tie breaking rules in 
Section 4.2.6 of RFC 6325. If a border RBridge is connected to multiple L1 
areas and uses the same nickname to represent itself in L2 for those areas, and 
it receives a frame from L2 for a {MAC, Data Label} that occurs in more than 
one of those L1 areas, it is about the same situation as a single level RBridge 
that receives a frame with a {MAC, Data Label} that is duplicated in its TRILL 
campus. Possibly we could add some text here referring to Section 4.2.6 of RFC 
[Sasha]] This would be quite useful IMHO.

> Hopefully, these comments will be useful.
> Regards,
> Sasha
> Office: +972-39266302
> Cell:      +972-549266302
> Email:   alexander.vainsht...@ecitele.com
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