There can be two reasons:
- you are working with unsigned short as input and output. This is tricky
because you must be sure that your pixel values will cover the range
between 0 and 255. For example, if your phantom has values between 0 and 1,
conversion to unsigned short will blank it. I would start with float pixel
type at first to be sure that this is not the problem. You can use tif
instead of png since it supports float.
- the geometry must be such that your source and detector rotate around
your image. The center of rotation is the point (0,0,0) (in distance unit).
Check that this point is indeed in your input target.mhd image. There is a
documentation for the geometry here
If you don't succeed, please provide the target.mhd (without raw) and we
can check what's going on.

On Tue, Apr 7, 2020 at 8:43 PM Henry Cope <henrydavisc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm working on a project to turn a 3D CT scan into a 2D DRR. I'm starting
> with the rtk forward projection, and then adding things like simulated
> geometry and a slice extraction filter to it. Currently, all I get as my
> DRR output is a black PNG. I'm not sure where I'm going wrong.
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