On 11.05.22 15:15, Simon Rit wrote:
Yes, I think it's correct. To be sure you correctly understand it, you can always do test cases with the source and detector positions, u v vectors in the coordinate system of your object.
and then check the resulting angles and distances.

On Wed, May 11, 2022 at 2:15 PM Vincent Libertiaux <v...@xris.eu> wrote:

    On 10.05.22 22:54, Simon Rit wrote:
    > Hi Vincent,
    > RTK can parametrize any orientation of the detector with the three
    > angles GantryAngle, InPlaneAngle, OutOfPlaneAngle. 0.025° seems
    > small indeed! I don't know how much you know about software B
    but the
    > easiest would be to have either the projection matrix or the source
    > position, detector position, u axis and v axis in patient/object
    > coordinates to derive the RTK parameters.
    > Good luck with this!
    > Simon

    Hi Simon !

    Unfortunately, I don't have access to B projection matrices.

    As for the detector orientation in RTK, I have made this picture
    to make
    sure I understand properly how to use the gantry angle to achieve my
    desired geometry:


    The cyan detector is the default configuration with a 0° gantry
    The blue detector is at a gantry angle of alpha (largely
    exaggerated for
    the sake of clarity).  So in order to simulate an out-of-plane
    of the detector around its vertical axis, I should translate this
    detector so that its center matches the coordinates of the cyan
    one, and
    translate the source accordingly (along the black vectors on the
    picture) ?  I assume that proj_iso_x/y and source_x/y are
    expressed in
    the gantry system of coordinates (local) ?

    Thank you again for your feedback,

    kindest regards,


Thanks Simon,

I'll investigate more and let you know.  Hopefully, it might be useful to someone else one day !

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