
Getting back to RTLinux after a long-ish absence.  I have some
sort-of-FAQ-ish questions but wasn't easily able to find answers on the

I'm running RedHat 6.2 and was able to apply the rtlinux-2.2 patches to
a copy of their 2.2.16-3 kernel sources with a couple of rejections which
I put in by hand.  Should I be doing this?  The 2.3-pre and 3.0 beta
patches apply to this kernel with no rejections, and there are quite a few
fewer of them, so they seem safer, but I am unsure.  This is for a
production environment.

On a related note (hence the post to two groups) the version of rt_com
included with RTLinux doesn't seem to have tracked the changes which
Jochen Kuepper has made recently.  OTOH, there is a set of changes made by
Michael Barabanov which are on the To-Do list over at
rt-com.sourceforge.net (POSIX IO bindings, SMP-safe) which haven't been
put in the main development tree.  I've not been able to build rt_com
0.5.3 (Jochen's latest version) to work properly with rtlinux 2.2 or 2.3
or 3.0 beta.

So, what is the advice from out there?

Thanks for listening.

Stephen Walton, Professor of Physics and Astronomy,
California State University, Northridge

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