Hoi !

On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 01:53:09PM -0400, Stephen D. Cohen wrote:
>       You did not say how you came to have rtlinux30pre6c running on this
> version of the kernel.  Did you download a pre-patched kernel, or was this a
> kernel you built yourself?
>       The reason I ask is that the kernel patches are *very* specific to a
> particular version.  Slight mismatches can produce some strange *mostly
> working* behaviors such as what you are experiencing.

Hm ... well the kernel is somehow a bit specific ... it also has the support
for ext3 filesystems in it. The point is, that there were no hunks or
anything while patching the thin (you have to leave the debugger out on the
ext3). Ext3 is just to comfortable when developing rt things.

The only thing i really onted to know is, if I did everything right from the
RT Linux programming view. Now I can start searching in the rest of the
system ...
>       My recommendation to you would be to download the current 3.0pre7
> version and the appropriate kernel version (2.2.17pre16 or 2.4.0-test1) and
> do the patch and build thing yourself.  Once you are running on the latest
> version of RTLinux built on the correct kernel, your problems may fix
> themselves.
>       I copied this to the group as this problem is similar to one I had.
> Simply following the directions solved everything (much to my glee).

I'll try it. 

blue skies

P.S.: Aeh, could it be, that my AMD Athlon 800 is the problem ???

-- Jan Christian Albiez --    
-- FZI -- Haid-und-Neu-Str. 10-14 -- 76131 Karlsruhe -- +49 721 9654 206 --
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