> x86 MiniRTL fits on a floppy and runs in 4Meg.

Sure, but IMHO that was not was Herman is thinking
of. I am sure, he is talking about stuff like
engine control systems, heaters, fluid-controllers
- stuff were usualy a bare C-Coded 8051 is quite enough.
But today, evene these apps have to have a build in
web-server with database and three tier architecture :-)
Then, Linux just fits in perfectly ...

> > 3) uClinux just takes two seconds for booting
> > (ok, network setup takes three more)
> One of my favorite projects:
>    http://www.acl.lanl.gov/linuxbios/

Yeah! Right, realy funny thing!
There will once the day i will find the time to
try it out :-)

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