On 2012-10-09 12:15, Michael Morscher wrote:
> Hi there,
> What is the best way to measure the bandwidth between two RT Nodes? I've a 
> setup running two clients and as I'm playing with configuration values for 
> window sizes etc. I need a way to measure the available bandwidth. ( to get a 
> better understanding/tuning for my project)
> Tried the known ways like iperf but actually I think the produced traffic is 
> encapsulated and not send at its optimum.  So I only get something between 2 
> and 6 Mbit/s on E1000 driver/PCI cards which is not what I need.

If you used iperf, you applied it on the non-rt channel of RTnet with
RTmac or rtnetproxy, right? Is that what you actually want to measure?
Or are you interested in the rt bandwidth? In the latter case, writing a
real-time application is required for the measuring. Maybe you can adopt
the iperf code to run via the Xenomai POSIX skin against RTnet, never

In any case, numbers regarding bandwidth won't be impressive as RTnet is
after deterministic latency.


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