Dne 20.1.2012 18:38, Mo Morsi napsal(a):
On 01/20/2012 03:58 AM, Vít Ondruch wrote:
Dne 19.1.2012 21:52, Mo Morsi napsal(a):
On 01/19/2012 03:16 AM, Vít Ondruch wrote:

So, obviously the bundle can't find the C extension.  According to
some research, I see this on rubygems.org

"This works because rubygems copies the shared object from ext to lib
when the gem is installed."

I'm not sure that's happening.

Actually that's happening, just a bit differently. You see that you have the '/usr/local/lib/gems/exts/sqlite3-1.3.5/lib/sqlite3/sqlite3_native.so' so it is in libs and if you run "$ ruby -r sqlite3 -e "puts 'it works'"", RubyGems should prepare the load paths and everything should work.

Unfortunately Bundler does not use RubyGems to prepare the load paths and it is doing everything by itself. Therefore Bundler doesn't know about this modifications we made to RubyGems and cannot load the library properly. Moreover, Bundler replace the RubyGems modified 'require' by the Ruby's original version, so RubyGems cannot help here.

We are looking into Bundler now to find a cure. Unfortunately, that means you will not be able to use stock Bundler in Fedora anymore. The only option is to push the RubyGems modifications upstream [1], and later push the changes into Bundler's upstream. However, RubyGems upstream is not very responsive in this matter. May be you can try to support us a bit.

Yes, seems to be a pretty big blocker. The new paths should allow us to use both the version of bundler shipped via rpm and bundler if installed via gem.

We can push for different practices upstream but that is quite an effort w/ no guarantees, and most likely won't be implemented by F17. If we can't figure out a solution to get bundler working at a technical level, this will have to push the 1.9.3 release back.

To clarify things a bit, RubyGems as they are prepared for F17, will install your custom gems into your home directory. If you are doing so, Bundler should have no issues. If you want to deploy your application, it is best if you are going with RPM packaged gems, including RPM Bundler. If you are going to install gems system-wide, using gem install as a root, you are "asking for troubles" (yes, it is a bit exaggerated :)) and you should know what are you doing.


The problem is, installing gems system-wide as root is a valid use case, which is often practised in the upstream ruby community. Putting comments aside on the wisdom of such practices, I've seen many ruby applications instruct the user to install dependencies via 'sudo gem install'.

If this use case is broken under Fedora 17, this will be a regression as far as our community's support. This is a big enough blocker that we can't accept it, so we'll need to figure out a solution or hold off the release until one is engineered. I don't forsee this taking too long, even if it involves some guidelines or upstream bundler work, though may cause us to miss the F17 target.


ruby-sig mailing list

Hi Mo,

There are 3 solutions:

1) Always use Bundler provided by Fedora which will works as it should.
2) Force Ruby and RubyGems upstream to properly support FHS. I already provided patches [1] but I need your support.
3) Revert the customized behavior of RubyGems for /usr/local

I strongly disagree with point 3. You have choice, either you broke some Ruby users expectations or you broke the rules given by FHS. You can't have both ATM. It would be nice if you could help to stir Ruby and its community in correct directions instead of promoting bad practices in the name of "often practised in the upstream ruby community". I would really appreciate if you could weight in and send your comments upstream [1]. Bundler upstream may follow, the patch is ready ....


[1] https://github.com/rubygems/rubygems/issues/210
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