
See inline comments:

On 2013-06-30 20:03, Axilleas Pi wrote:
Hey Philip,

On 06/29/2013 01:09 AM, Philip Rhoades wrote:

On 2013-02-26 19:42, Vít Ondruch wrote:
Dne 25.2.2013 22:01, Philip Rhoades napsal(a):

A while ago I posted a note on the Devise forum asking if anyone was
going to build an RPM for Fedora but didn't get any responses at all
- no-one even viewed the post!  What happens with Gems in this
category?  Am I supposed to do anything?  Add a request somewhere?

This will get probably the same attention as the post on Devise forum.

Use the Gem instead of an RPM while I wait for someone to do the work
for creating the RPM?

This is definitely option.

The devise gem is on the TODO list of the packaging process about
GitLab. I was planning to get it done this week. I see that one of its
dependencies (orm_adapter) is not yet packaged for Fedora so, you'll
have to package it too. If you could wait one day or two that's fine
otherwise this is a nice chance to start and learn about the packaging
process :)

It would be nice to make some progress now that I have started the exercise . . but in the end, if someone can get it going (me or someone else), I will be happy . .

Should I bite the bullet and see how to produce the RPM myself?

And this is the best possibility. You can start here [1] and I'll be
happy to sponsor you.

OK, I bit the bullet - after having to sort out a problem with
installing the dev tools on F18, I got gem2rpm to produce the spec file
for devise and following the instructions at:

produced a lot of stuff but no SRPMS or RPMS - the issue seems to be:

error: Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found:

Now, running gem2rpm you have a nice template to start working on, but
it needs further tinkering to get it working.

Here's what I have learned these past months.

After the %prep, %build, %install and %check macros there is one
called %files. According to the rpm-guide [0], the %files list
indicates to RPM which files on the build system are to be packaged.

On the other hand, the section `%files doc` denotes what the
subpackage -doc will include as well. In there you can put everything
the gem owns except for the lib/ dir and the LICENSE l(icense should
always be declared in `%files` macro). But again that is not a strict
rule and is under the packager's discretion if he wants to include
files like the Rakefile/Gemfile. These should not be marked as
documentation files (%doc).

So, in your case these sections would be like:


%dir %{gem_instdir}
%doc %{gem_instdir}/MIT-LICENSE
%exclude %{gem_cache}
%exclude %{gem_instdir}/.*

%files doc
%doc %{gem_docdir}
%doc %{gem_instdir}/CHANGELOG.rdoc
%doc %{gem_instdir}/
%doc %{gem_instdir}/


But again, maybe devise should be packaged as an app[1] since it
contains an app folder. Unfortunately I haven't packaged an app before
to know how to proceed from here. Someone with greater experience care
to elaborate on that?

I tried changing the sections as you suggested but the errors are still the same . .


Philip Rhoades

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Sydney NSW      2001
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