Dne 03. 11. 22 v 14:07 Mamoru TASAKA napsal(a):
Vít Ondruch wrote on 2022/11/03 21:19:
I have provided negative karma for F37 for the moment:


However, not sure if it is not too late already, since the update was submitted for stable. Mamoru, could you please check the status and our options here?


This is:
i.e. to ”emphasize" the difference between keyword v.s. hash

Thx for pointing out the exact commit.

I "think" the package seeing errors due to the above change need fixing anyway,

No doubt about it, the only question is when :)

To distinguish "keywords" v.s. "hash" with ruby 3.x seems generally weigh too difficult...

As Fedora 37 is not released yet, and is going to be maintained for 13 months,
I think fixing F37 packages seeing the above error is desirable

In this case, can we postpone landing the F37 update and include fixes for the affected packages into the update?

(I wish the notifications were not delayed by one week, but hopefully, the FMN is going to be fixed soon).

(and on the other hand,
I am not going to upgrade F36 rspec series to 3.12.x)

I support that, thx.



Dne 03. 11. 22 v 13:14 Vít Ondruch napsal(a):
Seems the saga continues with RSpec 3.12:




Dne 07. 02. 22 v 12:24 Vít Ondruch napsal(a):
Dear Mamoru,

Could you please check the following two packages which recently started to fail?



I suspect that this is related to the RSpec update, but the errors are quite strange on the first look:


  1) WebMock::RequestSignature initialization assigns normalized headers      Failure/Error: @headers = WebMock::Util::Headers.normalize_headers(headers)        #<WebMock::Util::Headers (class)> received :normalize_headers with unexpected arguments
         expected: ({"A"=>"a"})
              got: ({"A"=>"a"})
     # ./lib/webmock/request_signature.rb:25:in `headers='
     # ./lib/webmock/request_signature.rb:49:in `assign_options'
     # ./lib/webmock/request_signature.rb:11:in `initialize'
     # ./spec/unit/request_signature_spec.rb:23:in `new'
     # ./spec/unit/request_signature_spec.rb:23:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'      # ./lib/webmock/rspec.rb:37:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'


Thx a lot


P.S. Sorry for not being more helpful, I have to spent some time with CentOS Stream 9 to get Ruby into shape there, especially the problematic SystemTap support [1].

[1] https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/18257

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