On Dec 28, 2011, at 5:55 AM, Jon Leighton wrote:

> On 27/12/11 14:32, Matt jones wrote:
>> https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/4082
> I've commented on the PR.

Updated PR against master: https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/4216

>> On a related note, the current mechanism for handling 'reorder' seems
>> pretty strange; what's the design motivation behind keeping the values
>> passed to reorder separate from order?
> The reason is so that we can handle eagerly defined scopes correctly. For 
> example, consider:

That makes sense. I was pretty sure there was a good reason. :)

> The root problem is that we allow eagerly evaluated scopes to be defined at 
> all. Personally I dislike 'scope' and would rather that we just told people 
> to define their own class methods (which of course only get evaluated when 
> they are actually used). Others like the brevity of the single line 'scope' 
> syntax.

IMO, the real issue with order/reorder here is more about encapsulation - 
currently, anyone who's digging in the Relation internals needs to know what to 
do with order_values vs. reorder_value. It doesn't actually happen everywhere - 
for instance, in find_one:


the giant conditional skips checking reorder_value. Probably not a major issue 
(especially since it can only matter if the identity map is on), but still 

> For Rails 4 I would like to discuss making use of the new lambda syntax as a 
> compromise, e.g.
> scope :by_bla, -> { reorder('bla') }

Seems sensible to me. I've also encountered a related issue with merging 
scopes; in short, merging a scope defined with a lambda has to *also* be 
wrapped in a lambda or else things don't work as intended. For instance:

scope :recent, lambda { where('created_at >= ?', 5.days.ago }
scope :recent_sorted, merge(recent).order('some_field ASC')

winds up prematurely evaluating the recent scope. Not a huge deal when the 
scopes are defined close to each other, but a recipe for head-scratching when 
they're farther apart (or in different modules, etc).

>> As a side-effect of that
>> implementation, this code:
>> SomeModel.order('foo ASC').reorder('bar DESC').order('baz ASC')
>> does not (as might be expected) sort the returned record by baz - the
>> reorder overrides all previous *and* subsequent orders.
> I think this is a bug.

I'll write up a test and a ticket to get that discussion started.


--Matt Jones

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