On Oct 18, 2012, at 8:50 AM, Gabriel Sobrinho wrote:

> That is a problem for me either.
> I can't use before_save callback because I need to show the default value on 
> forms.
> So, I have a date field and the default value is today, but when user open 
> the form, today must be on that field.
> I'm setting this kind of default value on controller like that:
> def new
>   @payment = Payment.new
>   @payment.date = Date.current
> end

One method I was surprised to not see on Stack Overflow - overriding the 

class Payment < AR::Base

  def date
    super || write_attribute(:date, Date.current)


This still has the issue identified by G. Sobrinho, however, where explicitly 
setting an attribute to nil doesn't work quite right.

--Matt Jones

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