On Jun 11, 2014, at 12:32 PM, Joe Fiorini <j...@joefiorini.com> wrote:

> I actually played with simplifying the structure some time ago, although for 
> a completely different use case. I didn't end up going further than posting 
> this PoC on Github, but it does actually boot up a Rails app.
> My changes:
> I moved all application/environment config into a file called 
> "{APP_NAME}.rb". Inside this file I have a module/class definition for the 
> application the same as any standard Rails app (looks like I accidentally 
> made it a class rather than Application class inside APP_NAME module, oops), 
> but I also added a Ruby DSL for specifying environment configs. IME, the 
> files under config/environments don't normally get a ton of options, so 
> having them all in one place would actually be easier.

Would this mean smashing all the files in config/initializers into one file? 
That would make generators that wanted to create a default initializer (for 
instance, the Devise InstallGenerator) much more complicated since they’d need 
to insert code into the singular environment.rb file rather than just drop a 
whole file into config/initializers.

I also haven’t seen much discussion of the “set up the paths but don’t load the 
whole env” reasoning for boot.rb being separate from environment.rb (mentioned 
down-thread by Ryan Bigg). Is this still something useful? If it isn’t, how 
will (for instance) Rake tasks that don’t depend on :environment be switched 

—Matt JOnes

> I also removed the "app" folder and put directories that were in that folder 
> in the root. This change was specific to the particular use case I was 
> designing this for, API-only apps that don't have as much need for the "app" 
> distinction.
> Once I started thinking about a smaller Rails structure, the idea of the 
> "config" folder seemed unnecessary. Anytime I need access to my app's 
> environment I require "application.rb", so to me the distinction between that 
> and "environment.rb" doesn't serve much purpose. Given that, why can't 
> "boot.rb" be in the root and all the environment config be consumed into 
> "application.rb" with a DSL for creating environments like above?
> On Tuesday, June 10, 2014 6:50:48 PM UTC-4, Pier-Olivier Thibault wrote:
> How would you execute the rails binary without using `bundle exec` within an 
> application? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of binstubs? Rails isn’t 
> installed on anything but our development machines outside of bundler.
> I think this is somewhat open to discussion. What is the difference between 
> 'bundle exec rails server' and './bin/rails server' besides the longer 
> command, of course?
> I would personally pay the cost of longer commands to see lighter project 
> file structure as I'm going to spend much more time in the project than I 
> will executing commands. It's important to note that rake tasks are going to 
> stay as is.
> -- 
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